I would like to go ahead with the completely voluntary short story contest for the sci-fi contest unchosen 34. But I cannot get a response from Daniel as you can see he hasn't been around to officially congratulate the winner and 4 runner ups. I plan to ask for entries starting tomorrow and depending on the response hold the voting in a week. Do you as mods have any objections? Thanks
Given that it is only for those who did not make the final cut for the 2013 Sci-Fi contest, it doesn't seem to interfere or override that contest. I don't personally have an objection.
Can we start the critiquing too? I'm a bit obsessed by this critiquing idea, in case you hadn't noticed.
I don't want to give the impression that I am giving express permission. I was asked if I have any objection, and I don't. But this has to do with the 2013 Sci-Fi contest, which is @Daniel's baby, and his call.
I can't comment on the critiquing either except to say I'm going to go with the flow. Here's the plan: https://www.writingforums.org/threads/2nd-annual-science-fiction-writing-contest.127948/page-20#post-1208429 "I have no control over the critique questions. Daniel could just unlock the story threads to posts and/or critiques, or, people who want critiques may have to actively enter the stories in the writer's workshop area. That will be an issue for the authors who are not regular forum members, but again, that's a separate issue for the powers that be. I'll work around whatever happens. I'd like to keep the authors anonymous but that may not be practical. I can keep author names from being attached directly within the stories in the contest. But it may be that the names are impossible to keep completely anonymous depending on how the reveals are handled. If someone wants a critique and to also be in the contest, I have no objections. It will impact anonymity but hopefully voters will judge the stories on their merit."
I don't object to this, either. @GingerCoffee, you'll have to figure out how to handle the anonymity issue and how to handle entrants from non-members of the forum. If you're prepared to do that, go ahead. I mean, like @Wreybies, I can't officially grant permission because this relates to @Daniel's contest, but I can't see anything wrong with this.
Cool, the mission is a go. I told Daniel in the PM he could nix it at any time. It'll be a week before the poll will be up. I know some folks want critiques so I'm leaning toward not worrying about people knowing whose stories are whose but I won't reveal names in the contest proper.