We need dedicated writers to help with the 'Continue the story' thread that was started by Hulls Raven. We have come up with the idea to take down a list of names for people that wish to take part. When we have the list each person will be assigned a number. This is like a ticket for a waiting room. You wait until it is your turn to post the next bit of the story. ^^ If you can't think of anything to write, you can swap your number with somebody else or go back to the end of the line. Each person will have 4 days to post their piece of the story, unless they give a reason why they can't do it within this time frame, so that we aren't waiting around for weeks and weeks for the next post. List of participants: xXx heather xXx Torana (?) Crazy Ivan (?) Ferret (Wants to write the ending.) Targaddon Cogito
okiee dokiee, you can put my name down, it sounds fun i assume you wanted us to post here btw, lol. Heather
I mean, approximately: Part 1: Hurr this story is goth! hurr! "OMG were iz yo bisnatch?" "i will nevar tell u!" "Exposition!" "Exposition!" <period of intolerable corniness> Part 2: Hurr more goth yay hurr! "Pretentious dialogue!" "RANT!" <senseless violence> (Feel free to delete that if it's too offensive.)
The story reminds me of Broken Sword... xD So, we have one person that wants to help out! Crazy Ivan, you made me laugh. xD You could join and attempt to steer the story in a different direction? =D Ferret, I don't understand... ._.
Actually Alice I agree with you there, it reminds me of Broken Sword as well. I would love to join up with it Alice, but I am not that good at that genre hence why I haven't joined in with it already.
Alright, that is a pretty good incentive... If I have spare time and conviction enough, I'll get around to it.
Hey now, don't be hogging the action... ...(says the person who barely wants any action for himself) But you know what would be cool? To make EVERYONE happy, at the very end, we could each pick an object- a country, say, or a character- and write how they ended up. Ex: Ferret's chosen character went on to live whatever and wound up etc. Alice's chosen place turned into a blank and eventually became a great failure/successful town/medievally-themed park for the aliens that would later take over the world. Or something like that.
Well that may or may not work bare in mind the theme is set and the first two chapters have been written by myself and Ryzer. Ryson is the main charactor in the two chapters what we all need to remember is to not go off the rails with introducing too many main charactors and too many sub plots. Alice's idea is a brilliant one you just need to decide what parts each of you wish to write. I would also suggest maybe a minimum of 1000 words to your chapters.
do we have to write a chapter each like, or just part of it? just wondering, it doesn't change anything in my books, Heather
Well i agree with what Ravens said so we all need to now start saying who wishes to do the next segment. hoping its not as childish as crazy ivans spiteful act was. Im happy to write a chapter or two.
okiee dokiee, i am happy to write a chapter or two, that is until you find out my writing stinks but what the heck, lol. just tell me when you want me to write, i aint too bothered. Heather
It is. I've read her stuff- she's great. Don't worry, it's a story for all types, we're sure you'll do fine!