Please post all OOC posts, issues, and questions for War on Kalicas in this thread. Also, post character templates here.
By the way, it should be noted that Robos come in all different sizes. They can range from small suits of armor that fit over the person's body to large Robos where the pilot can sit comfortably in the head, and (very few) Robos where multiple people (about a crew of 20) can operate it.
NOTE: I have added a new option for Robos, the Hybrid. You may mix two (but not all three) types of Robos together. However, they do have a lot of disadvantages (that I have stated in the rules) and no Hybrid is immune to these problems. It is your choice (and those of you who have submitted a character may change to a Hybrid if you wish).
Name: Tyri (tie-ree) Emmassus Age: 30 Gender: M Career: Soldier/Recruiter Background: Tyri has a long background in the military, but only because he was drafted into it when he was 16. He fights for the Krine side, but travels alone in an attempt to gain recruits for the army. His family supports him, but wishes he would leave the army and settle down. Tyri has a decent amount of training, and is a good fighter, both in a Robo and on his own. His Robo, the Scorpio, was built for him, but he added a lot of upgrades throughout the years. Appearance: Tyri is an average looking guy, and doesn't look like a fighter. He doesn't have muscles that show, and only weighs in at 140 pounds. He has dark blonde hair, which is always a mess, except when he goes into official meetings. He is taller, at 5'9", and generally wears his uniform, but occasionally decides to be casual and wear neutral colored shirts and pants. Family: A father (Kar), mother (Eina), and a sister (Tess, 20) Robo: Scorpio- originally a Gnarl, it was designed after a scorpion, equipped with crab-like claws instead of pincers, which allow it to dig or pick up large objects. It is a larger Robo, with a cockpit in the head. It has a tail that can move lightning fast, although many skilled pilots have escaped its attack. After a few years of learning to operate it skillfully, Tyri decided to add a second core and make it a Hybrid. He added several guns, and a mine dispenser underneath the stomach. There are two small machine guns near the top of the Scorpio's tail, which are difficult to see, and two medium-sized cannons under the head. The Scorpio also has a single missile launcher on its back, and Tyri had guidance missiles built, so he can pilot the missile when he launches it. The Scorpio's usual problems stem from the Blaster half, and sometimes guns will refuse to operate, and several times Tyri has lost the ability to guide missiles in combat. The Gnarl half of the Scorpio never has any problems.
Name: Shamus McCoy Age: 18 Gender: Male Career: Pilot for the Koros army, and also Shamus is a mechanic; he built his bot completely by himself and claims that he can repair anything. Background: Shamus was born and raised in koros. His father was a mechanic and even owned his own shop. So naturally he had shamus working on servos and turbo lifts before he could even walk. When shamus was 11 his father joined the army, and was killed in the line of duty. This devastated shamus and his mum but they still kept the shop running. Shamus vowed that someday he would seek vengeance on Krine for his father’s death, and that’s when he started building his Bot. Appearance: Short around 5’7, with lean but athletic build. He has shaggy dark red hair, outlining a slender face, and deep green eyes. The one main unique feature about him is long black spiraling tattoos that circle his arms. Family: Just his mum, Abigail McCoy. Robo: Gnarl- A Giant Armadillo. Most people tend to underestimate his bot, but it is a powerful piece of machinery. First off it can roll into a nearly indestructible ball that can roll at high speeds and can be used to plow into other bots. Also it has sharp teeth, large claws and a long tail for slashing. And its armor is extremely strong.
Name: Melody Hanson Age: 17 Gender: Female Career: She helps her father build Robos Background: Melody is only an only child and her mother died when she was 5 so she and her father are very close. She has been learing to build Robos since she was 4. Appearance: Melody has brown hair pulled up in a short pony tail. She is small for her age but muscular from hauling around the machinery needed to build Robos. Her favorite style of clothing are cotton pants and colorful shirts. She very rarely wear's black. Family: Just her father, and a long lost uncle she is always hearing stories of. Robo: Melody is in the process of building a Medieval equipped with two daggers each about a foot and half long. She has been practicing close hand to hand combat. (Sorry my background is similar to yours Question. I thought of her before I read yours.)
I wouldn't worry about it, it's different enough. Besides it kind of parallels how similar the warring factions really are.
Hey all, I have Tyri's first post up, but I will be introducing a second character on the Koros side, so those of you in that country have someone to interact with as well. I will be sure to have that character up tomorrow. Meanwhile, let the game begin!
Name: Damien Weaver Age: 19 Gender: M Career: Civilian Background: Damien was born and raised in Koros, his family struggling to get by. His father was in the military and when the war broke out, he was one of the first sent out. He was a mech pilot and lost his life in battle. Ever since Damien has been taking care of his younger sister and mother. He hates war and violence, and doesn't understand why everyone's fighting; he considers it a waste of life. Appearance: A young man with a medium build, standing around 6 feet tall. His hair is jet black and shoulder length. His eyes are bright blue, almost unnaturally. He wears a red bandana around his neck. He also wears a black undershirt and beige cargo pants, and usually wears his fathers black jacket. Family: He lost his father in the battle with Krine. He lives with his little sister (Karmine Weaver/12) and his mother (Ellis Weaver/39) Robo: N/A (in beginning) Robo: SPD-072 Medieval - Named Breaker, it's a white mech with faded gold highlights. It's a large mech with the cockpit in the chest It has quiet a few scars across the frame from other blades and blasters. It has multiple boosters on it's frame; shoulders, feet, calves, forearms and back. It's built for speed and maneuverability. When taken over by Damien the primary weapon is gone (The Lance) and only the secondary weapons were available, (Dual Swords). It's a military grade mech. It's very difficult to pilot and was treated as a failure by it's manufacturers, because the movements were so hard to control. Several new SPD models have come out since, that are easier to control. But the machine's potential comes from the pilot. So excited for this!
I'm really lookin forward to gettin in on this one. Just sent my character template to naturemage and I hope to be writing with you all soon.
Excellent job so far everyone. Just please remember to check over and edit your posts before you put them up. I will be sending in the Koros character today. Be ready for tag team action Question
Name: Risa Nyom Age: 15 Gender: F Career: mercenary, fights for no side, just to end war Background: Risa lost both of her parents to the war when she was only 4, and was taken in by a military group from Koros who saw potential in the intelligent young girl. By 7, she was certified a genius, and knew so much about Robos, she was giving advice to experienced pilots who had decades of experience. By 10, she was given her own Robo to pilot. At 13, she was given a rare opportunity: a piece of zin. Since the metal was still not completely understood, she equipped it directly to the core of her Robo, then still a wolf. Attaching the zin to the core, however, forged very odd results, both in the Robo, and in Risa. She turned on the very group who had brought her in, running away with her newly redesigned Robo, Cerberus. Now, she fights with a determination to end the war, with no regards as to who wins. Appearance: Risa looks older than she is, with an appearance of about 20. She has long, light brown hair, a slender appearance, and can handle herself in a hand-to-hand fight. She weighs 120 pounds, and is 5’7”. She likes wearing long, loose skirts and clothing that makes her look good, and it makes her deceptive as well. Most people who encounter her underestimate her ability to fight in such clothing. However, her direct contact with the zin and the core of her Robo gave her an amount of skill no practice could create. Family: Risa lost both her mother and father in the war Robo: Cerberus, Gnarl type. The Cerberus used to be a wolf, but when Risa put the zin directly into contact with the core, it changed the Robo over a period of a few weeks, giving it two more heads, and a tail with a blade-like tip. Wings also formed, though they don't allow the Cerberus to fly very high. The left and right heads of the Cerberus have snake-like fangs instead of regular teeth. The zin gave Cerberus no special powers, but Risa is a very skilled pilot, and doesn't feel the need for extra speed or strength. Her feeling: the only reason you lose is because you aren't good enough.
Name: Amira Morgan Age: 26 Gender: F Career: technician, pilot, scavenger Background: Amira is of Kylian nationality, but has been drifting between all three nations since the day she was born. Her mother, Lilith, served aboard one of Kalicas’s moon transports, but died of a strange illness when the girl was still very young. Amira has lived with her father, Mal, most of her life, working alongside him in a scavenger convoy. Together, they gathered scrap metals and derelict vehicles along the Koros-Krine border and sold their parts in towns. She learned everything she knows about robos from him and other scavengers. One night, Amira saw what she thought was a falling star streaking across the sky. The convoy tracked it down and found a crashed transport with a badly damaged winged robo inside. Although they could have sold it for scrap, Amira and her father took it on as a personal project and set about restoring it. A number of parts were missing, including its core, and she believes it was designed for zin. Her father was killed five years ago when their convoy was mistakenly fired upon by Korosian troops, but Amira finished her bot, “Lilith,” a few months later. Appearance: Most people who see Amira believe she is ill. Her mother died of a bizarre strain of metal poisoning, but, other than her appearance, Amira seems to have inherited only superficial symptoms. She is quite beautiful, but also quite pale, despite living and working outdoors most of her life. Her eyes are a white-washed gray and even her long blonde hair has faded almost to the point of whiteness. Amira has feminine curves and a pretty face, but doesn’t flaunt either. She usually dresses plainly and conservatively, and, despite being raised by rugged scavengers, speaks in a timid whisper. She seems like a dainty young lady and most people would never imagine she pilots a robo or knows how to build and program one from the ground up. Family: Her father (Malcolm) and mother (Lilith) have both passed away. The scavengers she lives and work with are her only family. They number about two dozen and travel in a small convoy, with Amira and her robo, Lilith, acting as scout and defender. She knows her way around mechanical components, but her specialty is computers, targeting systems, and electronic warfare. -------- Robo: “Lilith,” a prototype M-98 Archangel aerial interceptor bot, repurposed as a high-mobility scout/sniper unit. She has no idea what its original purpose was; it appeared to be designed with zin in mind, but wasn’t fitted with any. The bot is a dark gunmetal gray, lightly rusted, and has been stripped of most armor plating to save weight. It carries a large sniper rifle on its back and has dual cores to meet its energy needs. Lilith is a medieval-blaster hybrid, with the firepower of the latter and agility of the former. The M-98 is a bipedal humanoid mech, which stands about 20 feet tall, atop two long legs with an extra joint (similar to the hind haunches of a canine). Other than that, its overall shape is the same as a human’s, (including four fingers and thumb). The pilot rides in the chest area. Lilith has a pair of articulating wings on its back, each made of three scissor-like blades with small ion thrusters tucked between. It cannot fly, but uses quick bursts to enhance maneuverability, or sustained thrust to sprint at high speed across level terrain. Lilith wields a large anti-materiel rile, which is nearly as long as its body. This mass accelerator fires a slug of ferrous metal which acts as a kinetic penetrator. The recoil from this weapon requires the robo to anchor itself before firing. Lilith’s feet have hydraulic spikes which dig into the ground and its legs are designed to absorb the shock, allowing its entire body to act as a dampener. Despite being a decade-old design, its targeting systems are state of the art and it has been known to hit targets many miles away with amazing precision. When out of ammunition, Lilith relies on hand-to-hand combat. The same power supply that fuels its rifle can be channeled into its gauntlets for electrical strikes that cripple enemy bots. In emergencies, she can emit an EMP burst. This is risky and would cause Lilith to shut down as well, but her systems reboot faster than most robos, allowing her to escape.
Hey all, got the Koros side character up. Everyone should have someone to interact with shortly. Lovetowrite, I will respond to your post tomorrow. I would like to see what AnonyMouse puts up first. Also, since no one really specified what the three Robos headed towards the Koros town were, I put it into my post.
As I was reading posts last night, I thought providing some cover fire for Shamus and his armadillo might be nice, but it looks like he has plenty of backup. Those slashers are in for some trouble, LOL. That'll teach 'em not to mess with "defenseless" little towns. I'll probably go to Tyri and Melody instead. You can post, naturemage. I think I'll just have my character observe from very, very, very far away. Our posts won't interfere with one another.
Posted. Tyri and Melody are now being stalked by a sniper. If you want, your characters might notice Amira's robo, but it's so far away it'd probably just be a speck in the distance. The convoy would probably be more noticeable, but it's still pretty far off too.
I noticed you guys all named your Robos, do you think I should name mine?(If so I'm open for suggestions)
Ooh! Interesting... I'm trying to decide if i we should speak face to face so that Anony's character can't hear what they are saying...or if it should be by radio as well so that she can hear us. Which would be better?
Question, you should definitely try to come up with something for your robo! It's already really original but a name would make it more personal to your character. All i can come up with is Rammus from lol haha
Aww, c'mon. Don't deny me the pleasure of being a nosey eavesdropper. That's for your character to decide. To my character, her robo is special; she built it with her father and named it after her mother. If it were just a random hunk of metal with no sentimental value, I doubt she'd have named it. Since Shamus built the armadillo himself, I figure it's special to him. A name would probably be fitting, but that's just my opinion. Armadillo? Armordillo? Armageddon? Deathdillo? Robodillo? Rollorobo? I'll stop now. It only gets worse from there.
LovetoWrite, two things that prevent us from speaking face to face: 1- Tyri is continuing to travel, he has places to be, so he won't likely stop to get out just to chat. And 2, we're not even aware that Anony's character is listening to us. We can't do anything to prevent something we don't know about. @Question: I like that! "The ole ball and chain." Lol. I cracked up when I read that.
Name: Davis Quan (Usually referred to by his Robo’s name: Ghost) Age: 20 Gender: Male Career: Freelancer (Mercenary) Background: Davis was born in Krine, and then sold into a black market labour group by his parents at the age of eight. From there, he circulated through multiple different slave traders, and was forced to work in farms, factories, and mines throughout his life, jumping across borders on many occasions. Eventually, Davis was bought by a secretive military group in Koros to work on prototype robo circuitry and plating. When Davis reached the age of fifteen, he managed to snatch a prototype “exo-suit” robo, and escaped the military facility. Now, Davis roams around Kalicus, usually avoiding the war, and takes multiple freelancing jobs for money. Appearance: Davis appears powerful, and tall. He usually keeps his dark-brown hair short, and has grey-blue eyes. Davis bears multiple scars and bruises from his violent and unforgiving past, and the dangerous tasks he usually undertakes. Davis is almost never found outside of his exo-suit. Family: Status and location of his parents are unknown, and Davis has no plans of finding out anytime soon. It is also unknown if he has any siblings. Robo: Davis’ robo is unique from most, in that it fits around his body like a suit of armour rather than being a large vehicle. Because of this, it is more of an exo-suit than a robo. “Ghost”, as it is called, is a type X-95 prototype infiltration unit, which was stolen from a military compound, and upgraded by Davis himself. Its armour is black, with a blue interface, and stands at about seven feet tall. Ghost is a Blaster-type, which emphasises stealth and agility over firepower. Unlike most blaster-types, Ghost only has two projectile weapons: a large, armour-piercing sniper rifle, and a sub-machine gun. The rest of the Ghost’s weaponry consists of weapons and ammunition meant to disable and eliminate, rather than destroy. This includes an electromagnetic field, sapping-gel ammunition, cryo-ammunition, overload grenades, disruptor-interceptor missiles, and flash-bang grenades. Most importantly, Ghost has the ability to cloak, rendering it invisible to the naked eye and to most detection systems for a limited amount of time. In order to stand a chance against the larger, more massive robos, Davis installed kinetic shielding, and thrusters, which allow him to jump and move long/high distances quickly. ------------ This looks like it should be fun.
So I've looked through all the posts that are currently up, and it seems there isn't a good spot for my new character to pop in on quite yet. Would anyone like to hire/be a target of my character?
Well, a suggestion I'd offer is to start with a little intro, you know, tell us how Davis is, perhaps how he interacts around people, what he does, etc. Take another look at some of the first posts, and perhaps put yourself at a random town or location nearby, and you're likely to pop in just be shear luck.