I just started my first two batched of wine. A 1 gallon batch of pear wine (Taylor Golden) and a 1 gallon pineapple batch (canned). Anyone else around these parts Vinting?
I did most of my winemaking in high school and my early twenties. One of my more interesting endeavors was dandelion wine, which despite its name is largely citrus. I was pretty disappointed with it at first. After fermenting and bottling, and letting it age in the bottle for a couple months, it tasted dry and somewhat bitter. So I set it aside. Then I was off to college, and the bottles rested back home for several months. When I was home again on break, I decided to give it another taste. It had transformed completely, to a fragrant, fairly sweet wine with a pleasant aftertaste. My guess is the complex citrus components took time to break down and contribute their best flavor.