Since there seems to be an interest in bringing back the book club, I've decided to start this thread to get some suggestions on what we should read for October. I think that most people are up for reading anything in any genre. We can also read a short story collection or a poetry collection if people want. So if you have any suggestions please post them. We should aim for making the final selection in about 1.5-2 weeks (earlier is better). This will hopefully give people enough time to get a copy.
I tried to double check this in the last suggestions thread, but my internet is running obnoxiously slow, and I got impatient. If I'm right, I'm pretty sure there was a suggestion for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and I'd like to second that nomination for October. Or first it, if I'm wrong. Excellent book, and I think it would make for some good discussion. If not that, one of my coworkers recently lent me a book called Little Bee, which she said is an amazing read. I have yet to actually have time to read it, so if anyone has read it and absolutely hates it, please don't hesitate to let me know. If that's not the case, though, it could be another option.
I was going to pin up a thread for the puropose of first choosing a genre so that we might narrow the field a bit when it comes to the actual book choice, but since this thread is allready present, let's see how it goes without that step. I would like to add my ducat to the bucket and say that the WF BookClub need not be a venue solely for books of an esoteric or celestial tone. There is nothing wrong with a hearty chat over a good piece of Sword & Sorcery, an old fashioned Western, a heart ripping Romance, or a galaxy wide Space Opera. As writers, we should all be open to what each of these genres, and those genres which rankle at the term genre, has to offer us so that we might broaden our scope and and bring more tools into our writer's tool box.
Just a quick thought: I read in the other thread that people would rather not have discussion questions. I agree with this. It would be better if people were to post their own thoughts and questions. We can pick up the discussion from there and see where it goes. As for the actual book, I don't mind reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I've already read it once but don't mind reading it again. The only downside is that it's close to 500 pages.
I have to agree. 500 pages is a bit longish. We've not had a stellar run with the BookClub, despite Aaron's best efforts. I think something a little more consumable in the time alloted would be a good place to start. And thus I throw my choice into the pot! The City and the Stars by Arthur C Clarke. "Golden Age" Science Fiction at its oh-so-yummy finest as rendered by - dare I say it - the master, himself. 191 pages in paperback form. Almost a novella by today's standards. Gettable at any local book-seller, but I would suggest your local used bookstore, because used bookstores need your love and they are such special places. The smell alone... @ Thirdwind - I hope you don't mind that I "tricked up" your thread. I wanted to add some flare to the club but didn't want to steal the fact that you had actually initiated this thread.
What about Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearne? Posting here has got me thinking I should read it again lol Being a YA book it is fairly easy reading and not too long.
That's fine . Thanks for the sticky by the way. Wrey's choice looks good. I would also like to recommend any novel by HG Wells. His novels are very entertaining reads and are also fairly short. My three choices by him are The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, and The Island of Dr. Moreau.
Can you pleaseeeee decide on a book to be discussed in October. I really want to participate and it takes me one and half months to get a book (yes, the area I live in is that remote).
I'd be in favour of The Time Machine. It's short, easy to get hold of, and Wells is always a good read.
I'd like to read The Time Machine too. Like Manav, it takes about one month and a half for the books I order to get here, and since Wells's works are out of copyright, it would be much easier to get them.
Hmm... I am liking the idea of The Time Machine. It is in the public domain... It has held up as a classic... And for those who may have difficulty getting a hold of books, it is downloadable from The Gutenburg Project for free and without concern of legal hassle. For anyone with an iPod Touch or an iPad (I just got mine last week!!) there are any number of free collection-of-classics apps which contain this title. EDIT ~ Oh, and... it appeals to my love for Steampunk.
Hello everyone So, is the book already picked? Is it Time Machine? I have nothing against, just want to know. I think "The Hobbit" by Tolkien is a good book too. It´s very interesting and it´s not too lenghty. What do you think?
At the moment it looks like most people would like to read The Time Machine. I'll wait till the end of the week just in case more suggestions come up and people want to read something else.
The Time Machine is cool with me but could we have something a little longer next time? Thats an afternoons reading for me, thats all! If you are still taking suggestions for October then how about something Autumnal such as Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee. Was her only book which considering how good it is, makes you wonder what we could have had if she had continued writing.
I haven't expressed interest in the Book Club yet but I'd definitely participate and I'm open minded regarding the book choice. As Wrey says, The Time Machine is downloadable from iBooks. I have it on my iPad but I probably could have found it somewhere for free. It was only £1.49 though
The Time Machine has the most votes, so that will be our book for October. Thanks for all the suggestions, and keep them in mind when we choose a book for November. I'll start a thread at the end of the month taking suggestions for the book for November. Hopefully we'll have a book chosen by the first 7-10 days of October so that people have enough time to get a copy.
Hi, I'm new here and i was wondering if I coould join the book club? I need to know what book as I'm pretty remote so I need to order it. Thanks. By the way, any book and genre is fine by me as long as it's good.
Of course you can join. For October we're going to read The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. It's in the public domain, so you can find a copy online for free.
Okay thanks, are we starting to read it now? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The man who reads is the man who leads - Mid 20th Century Proverb