So, here's just the place to rant about things that annoy you. ATM, my list of things that bother me: - People who think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread and walk around like they own the place, when in actuality they are just egotistical morons. - Txt tlk - Stereotyping. - Time running out to do something. - Getting made fun of. - PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN CAPS - A dirty house. (I have to have organization, or I go crazy) - Having my words censored. Blah, blah, blah. Now it's your turn.
People not looking into all the available facts before making a statement. People not allowing new facts to interfere with their decisions if they disagree with them. Mainstream media. Noisy drunks. Annoying drunks. Enough for now.
Having to admit outloud that I'm wrong. I can admit it to myself but not to other people. But I can still laugh at myself over silly stuff that I do wrong. xD Like getting into the wrong car... D= People who don't like it or refuse to let people speak there mind. People who don't know when to keep a comment to themselves. Having to type with one hand and go back and correct all the mistakes... :x Attention seekers. Spoiled people.
Maybe not... but everyone needs somewhere to moan My rants: Racism - I was on the tram home from Nottingham after college last night and there was a racist drunk who started a fight with someone for no reason other than he wasn't white... ...leading me on to drunks... ...and closed minded people... People who think they're better than other people because they have more money. People who don't respect other people's rights. Sixth form teachers who give me homework to complete on a wednesday, even though they've all been informed that I have college on a wednesday straight after 6th form until 10pm. Liars People who don't say what they mean... I hate being confused! Umm.... that probably covers my rant for the day...
Fair enough then. Ive got one rant only - one that really pisses me off anyway. When people dumb themselves down to fit in with a group. My ultimate pet hate.
My rants * people who try to ring me @ 2am, I have kids I do need some sleep. * drunks and their disturbing behaviour at pubs and anywhere else they happen to be * my car constantly breaking down at the most inconvienienty times * people who put themselves first before their children * people who always manage to stand on your foot when you are trying to dance, it really hurts after a bit. * people who talk for hours on the phone about absolutely nothing cause they have nothing better to do when you are trying to do housework. ok well that is enough of a rant for me for one day. But there are a lot of things that bug me as I am sure there are a lot of things that bug all of you. ~Torana
yes frost that is a good rant. I think out of the big list above I agree with yours the most. You would get along with reese Witherspoon
a few things i hate, that i can think of at the moment. * getting called a "swot" or "geek" etc because i have got a good score on a test. *being reffered to as "just a child" and people thinking that that makes me less capable of adult thoughts and feelings. *argueing with my friend about foreign people (she is very racist and it grinds on me) *rude people, there is absolutly no need for it. *people who sit in the corner with a frown on their face and moaning about everything, and then claim that i am boring! Heather
Roosters that crow all day and all night and keep the neighbourhood dogs barking al day and all night as well so that ya can't sleep. Or getting hay stuck in your clothing when you are feeding horses or cattle, it is really annoying..... ~Torana
I annoy me. I hate my concience. I feel sorry for people that have been mean to me. I'm a bit of a wuss unless i'm in a bad mood and when my friends get hurt. I'm only just starting to stand up for myself so yay. Rascism is another pet peeve. Our blood is red, is it not? Tea bags in the sink when the bin is less than a meter away This forum because I keep posting crap up when I should be sleeping or cooking tea or cleaning or half a dozen things! it's too addictive!! People that let their kids run wild, tell them off but don't follow through (eg, letting their kids think that smacking people is funny when it is a form of disipline, not a game.) Customers that think that I'm beneath them just because I pump petrol- I earn a good wage thankyou very much. The power going out at the wrong moment and hmmm.... maybe I will go away now....