Apparantley according to Genesis , we're all supposed to be made in God(Allah or Hashem's) image. Then why are supposedly "religious" people killing innocents in the name of religion. (ALL RELIGIONS HAVE THEM). IF they were truly religious they would understand this common heritage, and not kill other people. Maybe naive but is just my thoughts on the topic
Indeed. I have edited your foul languaged thread title. Please refrain from that kind of thread header. Also if any flaming comes from this thread it will be closed moved and infractions WILL be given with immediate effect. ~Raven.
Islam already prohibits undue killing, so there is no need to apply any further universal understanding to it. Said well enough - for murder, you will be murdered. Murder is the one of the grevious sins which are unlikely to be forgiven - called Ghuna-Kabeerah (Great sins). Just think - why would Allah want Muslims (or Jesus want Christians, etc) to kill what He created, when He loves them all equally regardless of creed, caste and race? Regardless that even Hindus get their wishes come true, and claim miracles, just as Christians and Muslims. He gives all - and there is a saying of the prophet which says: 'The creation of Allah is His family, and the best of His creation is the one who is best to His family.' Note, this is not Muslim, this is creation! Another saying is: 'A Muslim is someone from whose hands and tongue other people are safe.' Note it is people, not only Muslims! So Muslims who think that they must kill non-Muslims, are sick wrong! It is only permitted in war (also, only those who are fighting, no women, no children, no religious saints) or when they have murdered one of you (which is capital punishment. Now don't go into details about why capital punishment because that would be off-topic. Or not. Dunno.)
i dont believe in violence. This may seem lame but i never defended myself wen ppl used to beat me. I may sound like a doormat but i found that sometimes words were my strongest weapons.
Forgiveness and mercy is one the more loved qualities in the eyes of God, both in Islam and Christianity. The Prophet (p.b.u.h): 'Show mercy to those one Earth and the one in the Heavens will show mercy to you.' Nevertheless, justice is equally important. If someone wants justice they have the right to have it. We shouldn't stop them, provided they only have justice and nothing else.
Speaking from the point I've been in the trench's (A Soldier) I can say this. To obtain peace sadly there must be a war. Its wrong but its fact. Religion is just used as an excuse for justification
The problem, as always, comes down to definitions. Just who are "innocent". I always found it ironic that certain radical "pro-life" people felt perfectly justified in killing doctors in clinics where abortions were performed. To their minds, they were executing murderers. It is, unfortunately, too easy to depersonalize, even demonize, those whose views differ radically from one's own. In World War II, many Americans were led to believe that the Japanese were not fully human, even that they possessed tails.
So what you're saying is that we need to face an alien nemesis to unite our planet? ...and don't forget about mine, Cogito.
since man created god and not the other way 'round, it's no surprise that the species resembles itself...
What bugs me. Is this one question. What if there is no god what if there never was a god and we are just freaks of nature living. Nothing more. (and when our time ends it simply ends.) I'm not saying there is no god but there is always bad feeling about religion wars fought over religion yet it could all be in vien.
Despite that a lot of the Earth's population has faith in one god (whether it be Allah, the Christian God, whatever else), people are too susceptible to diversity and difference of opinion. It is too unreasonable to expect millions of people to conform to the exact same rules and beliefs. You could speak to 10 million devout Christians, all of whom would probably tell you they followed the same rules and held the same values, but they would all have some variation of how they should act as Christians. People twist rules to suit them and often they justify things using their god/s. One example would be America's Most Hated Family. I don't know if anyone knows about them, but they're a sick Christian family who spend their time abusing homosexuals and people fighting in the war. They hold up disgusting signs along major roads and even invade funerals of troops. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Jesus is said to love his all people in the Bible. I would assume these people have some sort of psychological problem and I think they need some serious help, so they're a fairly extreme example of what I'm saying, but they have twisted the 'word of God' to suit them and their beliefs and to justify what they're doing. I don't believe there is anything about assaulting and abusing homosexuals in the Bible or any other religious text, but people will say anything to justify their actions. In fact, and I'm not saying the majority of people do, but I bet some people do use religion simply to justify their actions. I think religion these days is often used as a tool rather than a belief system or a way of enlightenment. I think religion is great for those who truly believe in it and do it peacefully, but far too many people abuse it these days. For the record, I'm Agnostic. ETA: Sorry for the rant and for going slightly OT
I didnt know this but the Jewish messiah is called Moshiach ben Yosef. I just relaised i too am a son of joseph. OH MY!!!!! LOL!!!!
Hey i cant be a messiah. IM not strong enough, and anyways living righteous all the time isnt for me. Wot can i say im not perfect. Ill call myself a tzaddik instead
No offense to anyones religion, but all religion is oppression and hypocritical. God says everyone is equal and yet we treat other races like crap. Even if its not done as much now we still do it. God says no nudity and yet I see very religious people with naked mermaids. There are a lot of other stuff God's says, but no one follows it. Why do they try to get people to do something if they aren't doing it themselves? Why is everything thats outside the norm the devils work? Isn't the point of religion to be open minded? Thats what I got by reading the bible and yet no one does. Not only that, but all religion is brainwashing. They tell you how to live your life. And tell you what to believe. That leads to oppression you really don't have freedom. Because our freedom is based off of religion.
Religion is like Communism, looks good on paper, but it's as flawed as the beings trying to follow the ideology.
Religion is interesting onto itself. It it filled with contradictions and paradoxes, but that is because the foundations of religion were written by human beings. I used to consider myself a southern baptist, but as I have grown older, my views have changed and I have approached religion from an entirely individual standpoint. I think that the church (as a collective) is flawed and convuluted from its purpose, which is course is questionable too. Many religions cary similair connotations of living a moral life, helping out your fellow man, etc. Live and let live.
There is no wrong way to interpret the Bible, only ways that will get into trouble... Enshala I suppose I should take offense to some comments made here, but I guess that's just not the plan for the day. Well, if you're going to have an opinion on something, just do a bit of research 'afore hand. I am a Christian, planing on becoming a minister, and I believe that when it comes to Freedom, the Bible's correct: it's better to forcibly abstain than to fall into addiction. As for the people that like to Kill in the name of God, most churches and religions as a whole denounce their actions.
Historically, that isn't really true. The religions in their purest form generally condemn killing, but churches are not solely religious institutions; they carry a political agenda as well. For a glaring example, consider the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition. These were not rogue factions, these were fully sanctioned actions by the Church. And these are not the only sanctioned atrocities committed by churches, nor does any one one religion hold a monopoly on them.
Today, all the Pope does is complain about violence. Furthermore, as I wouldn't compare the actions of the 1600's to now, neither would I compare anything else from that era.
I was made in Gods image? Then people can stop bitching about my weight! But seriously, Everyone has a point and I agree with most. Meh, I've said it a gazzilion and boring amount of times but Be a good persona dn try and be nice to people- and yourself and you should be fine. We all fine out in the end.