What did you want to be when you grew up? When I was five I told my mum I wanted to be a Rock star that went to all her gigs on a Motorbike. When I was eleven I wanted to be an actor. When I was thirteen I wanted to be a Singer. And now I want to be a writer. What about you? Fantasy Girl xx
Lemme see... I wanted to be a dentist, an engineer, a veterinarian (read the James Herriot books), and I think that was pretty much it. :3
I wanted to be a brain or heart surgeon, then I wanted to work in a high position in the U.S. government (maybe even President, haha..) and then a writer and now I want to be an attorney and a writer on the side. Weird? I don't think so. Oh, and I should mention that when I was younger I wanted to be a fantasy character.
at 7: a nun [very briefly] from then, till high school, never gave it a thought around 16, till 18: a stewardess [yes, they were called that, then... it drove my hs counselor crazy, since i was a top student, nhs member, writing award-winner, etc. and even got a full scholarship to the most expensive jr college in the country... but i wanted to travel!] by 19, i was married and pg with first of 5 kids in less than 5 yrs, more to come in 2nd marriage, for a total of 7... i blame it on all the 'love and romance' scheiss we were fed from the cradle... didn't know i wanted to [was meant to] be a writer till all but 2 were grown and gone, and i was in my early 40s... didn't know i was really a philosopher [my actual 'calling'] all along, till last fledgling fled the nest, in my 57th year...
I wanted to be a rockstar and actor too. I wanted to be a marine biologist, the editor-in-chief of a publishing firm, a newspaper designer, a journalist, a lawyer, and an engineer. Through it all, I've also always wanted to be a writer, but I figured these backup plans would save my finances, just in case. Writer by day, rockstar by night? lol... The first time I went to the zoo, I also decided that I wanted to be a dolphin trainer. Now I want to be a psychiatrist, and I think this may be it. Then again, I've been an aspiring rockstar / actor / writer / editor / journalist / biologist / lawyer, so why not add doctor to the list?
Marine. Yup, ever since I was old enough to know what a United States Marine is, I wanted to be one. Fast forward a few years and my dreams are dashed. Why? After getting in several altercations at school, I decided I should maybe see a counselor. So I did and that doctor prescribed me with Abilify, a medication for bipolar disorder. However, the doctor never formally diagnosed me with it, just assumed (reasonably I guess, my aunt and sister are bipolar) that since I calmed down a little after I had been on meds for a while, that meant I must be bipolar. Of course, the mentally ill do not become Marines. So for a few years, I rummaged around within my self and tried to think of some other dream to have. Nothing ever really came up. Well, 'lo and behold, my doc tells me that I probably DO NOT have bipolar disorder and pending my good behavior for about a year off my meds, it could be possible that I could enter the military. Now, before I fly off the handle and get excited for once in my life, I would still almost definitely need a medical waiver. Not for the faulty diagnosis, but rather for the fact that I've seen a counselor for over a year. So, perhaps in a year I will be signing up and shipping out. I may do Reserves first, as I am in a long-term monogamous relationship (relatively. Only a little over a year and a half but that is long for my generation so there ) and I want to see how my relationship would coincide with a semi-military lifestyle. But this has me honestly excited. Not many people get to fulfill their dreams and though I still may not be able to, at least I am trying. Sorry for the long post, but I am rather pleased.
At first, I wanted to be a writer. Then, an independent politician - but the revolutionary, the complete radical reform, is probably my speciality, and democracies do not grant that luxury. Then, a soldier, but I'd rather have a cause. I thought of other ways to promote a good cause, and how the respect to make it happen. That is when I realised that my first idea could give me both things.
Why not be a politician and a writer? If you enter the upper class, you're guaranteed to write at least one book about irrelevant bourgouise rubbish that nonetheless sells trillions of copies, and, conversely, if your book is sufficiently literary and sells many copies, you enter the upper class! It's a win/win situation. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
Exactly! I mean, can you imagine the fans that would be clamoring for your book that may not have anything to do with what you're doing? "Hey, what book did you get?" "It's the new fictional book called (title) and it's written by...get this: A FREAKIN' POLITICAN!" "No way! I gotta check it out!" Ooh, and you could have signing ceremonies in the nation's capital in front of a favorite monument/memorial of yours. I'm sure the leaders wouldn't mind it one bit. If anything, you're garunteed to have a long career of politics, since everyone would keep electing you just so you can be known as "The politician who writes fictional books!"
I wanted to be many things. I wanted to be an artist, acrobat, spy, secret agent, and a writer. There were even times when I didn't really know what I wanted to be.
Strangely, I never wanted to be a writer at a young age. It was only after reading Harry Potter did I get bitten by the writing bug, and that was back in 5th grade. EDIT: I got the idea because I wanted to be a big, famous celebrity writer meself. It's only recent that I learned that writing is hard work.
A ballerina, a singer, an actor, a cartoonist, a writer. And that was all before I started high school!
A teacher, for many moons. Then, in fourth grade, I decided I could write poetry (which I couldn't), so I was going to be a poet. Then I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. Then I got jazzed about anything vaguely science related. Now I want all of them. . . . Argh. I've narrowed it down to just about anything except a) a politician, b) an automechanic, and c) a synchronized swimmer. I'm hopeless.
I really wanted to be a vet when I was young. My parents bought me books about vets and animals and little vets sets and all that. Then when I was about twelve I realized I get very nautious very easily. Now I want to teach English.
When I was in middle school I really dreamed of being the next J.K. Rowling. Eventually I realized that I didn't actually care if I was rich or famous, I just love writing.
First I wanted to be superman, then spider man. Then I wanted to be a film maker or rebel. Um, then I wanted to start a band, but could never actually motivate any of my drug-saturated friends. Um, I thought about going the military route, but I was a total liberal at the time and didn’t want to spread the “evil empire.” I still don’t know, but I write a lot so I must have writer in mind. And I go to college for communication and high school education – one of those things perhaps.
I wanted to be (and had a go at being) a ballet dancer, a middle distance runner, an artist, a costume designer for films, a journalist, a writer, an English teacher, a mother.
I wanted to be a Police Office or Homicide Detective or something within that field. I came close but at the time, there were no places available in any of the country stations where I lived and so I was posted to the city. My boyfriend and I just got engaged and I knew he would never have moved to the city... we're just not city people. I became a Mother instead.
A circus artist, a ballet dancer, a singer, an actress, an archeologist, a teacher, a nanny, and a writer. And right now, I haven't got a clue what I actually want to become...
Professional footballer. Yeah, I got a long way with that one... Anyway, from the age of 14 I've wanted to be a barrister, but I've decided against doing that. I just couldn't handle the stress or time away from my family, with career coming first. So I haven't a clue now.