greetings! my story is based on an planet that has 11 kingdoms, and an history of being an space faring planet once before an ice age. the species on this planet have forgotten nearly all, except for one dying race about the wonderful technology the planet once had. they are no longer able to fly to the neighboring planets but have simple exo-skeletons that keep them alive even regarding their races physical decay due them being secluded underground from the wars and expansion of the younger 11 kingdoms. the icecaps have engulfed the planets original ancient civilizations former cities but due that the ice age is ending, what is left of the former technological ruins are resurfacing much to the oddity of the current inhabitants. and the dying race is starting to remember an evil in the horizon. they start to question why they are there, and what purpose did the ancient civilization serve? basically there are no magic in my world, but rather technology that is treated like it is magic. also there are more advanced technology in the planet than that of the dying race. that is alien even to the old race. and the ruins and hazards of said technology is slowly being revealed to the dvellers of the planet please tell me what you think of this ? thank you!
So there is an ancient space-faring race who build Arks deep underground on their home-planet, in which they can survive an ice age and/or the warlike nature of younger upstart kingdoms. The ice-age buries their ancient technology. Now the ice is melting and the ancient technology is revealed again, resulting in much discombobulation amongst the newer kingdoms. There is now some unknown evil on the horizon. Is that all correct? My thoughts are this. How about an ancient civilization escaped an ice age in underground arks they had constructed. So much time passes that successive generations have gradually forgotten their technology. They emerge from their underground bunkers and go forth and multiply over their planet, progressing to some level of development analogous with the middle ages. The climate warms and the ice melts revealing the ancient technology. But, another group escaped the ice age by travelling through space to an habitable planet in another solar system. They now want their home-planet back and are returning to take it by force. The ancient technology must be utilised in defence of the planet. They are my thoughts on the subject, make of it what you will.
Thank you from your thoughts on this, You are not at all far on how the story goes! The ones who fled underground are called I'nderi and there is a rough old sketch of their above ground armor in my profile picture, they try to disguise themselves as mechanical automatons as much as they can. due there are automatons on the ground. they hold not enough manpower, and the races that currently dwell the planet's surfave are to them rather barbaric. they do hold he technology to defend themselves but they are really cautious and seclusive by nature and due the evil that observes the planet they rather hide than openly confront the life above ground. they are descendants of the species who inhabited the planet before the last ice age started so they have been mostly living underground in the areas where the ice has been rougher, i have a map that is kinda hard to read and it is a rough sketch on how the continents could be and about where the new young kingdoms would exist. the old ones did not use space ships, due the evil entity that monitors the planet and the solar system where the planets of the story reside, in multitude of ways, so they had to use teleport technology to travel vast distances, but most of their locations have been destroyed by continental shifts and the unforgiving ice age, so they cannot direcly return to most of the sites, and they were fully knowing of this evil that still haunts this planet. only those, arks if you may, that reside deep underground hold still somewhat operational technology that the underground dwelling i'nderi find and realize what their racial origin is. the new civilizations that i call kingdoms for the lack of better name yet, are byproducts of various mutations caused by early actions of this evil entity and partly by the destruction of the facilities of the ancient civilization. image from my deviantart. I believe the problem I'm having is that my story is such kind of scifi that starts more as a fantasy then grows into more of an scifi story, is boring to read or plainly confusing? I have an old translated pieces in my early deviant art pages but it has now many things that have been rewritten so there is no English translation that would be up to date. also is this high fantasy or sci-fi story? Thank you from Your interest.