Sorry for the disturbing question, but cannibalism is highly sought over in novel writing Would anybody here happen to know what a human would taste like? I need it for the intercourse between my character and a select demon. [Veronica Kinsbe -- The Blood Wardess] if anyone is interested.
I know it's been described as smelling similar to pork when cooked (Long-pork is another name for human flesh.) As for taste... chicken is the only description I've seen used. I'm sure Google has some results waiting for you.
Oh yum. I shouldn't be in this conversation since I'm theoretically too young. But huehue... I won't mind Just kidding :O Now I sound like a pervert. 10/10
William Seabrook was this reporter who supposedly ate human flesh as research for his book. He described it as "like good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that, and it was not like any other meat I had ever tasted. It was so nearly like good, fully developed veal that I think no other person with a palate of ordinary, normal sensitiveness could distinguish it from veal.” And there was Armin Meiwes who you might've heard of, he posted on craigslist or some shit looking for a person to eat and when someone replied, he ended up saying that human meat tasted like pork but "with a stronger, slightly bitter taste". I'm sure it's all in the seasoning, really.
Seems heavily emphasized on the veal, yes. Just watched Greg Foot eat a mixture of meats that showed up similar to his human flesh report.
Alright I will make the over burnt joke: Soylent Green is people! Regardless of how he got the meat, Seabrook probably was a genuine cannibal and described the taste of human flesh at length. According to Jungle Ways, “It was like good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that, and it was not like any other meat I had ever tasted.Jul 1, 2015 Your welcome, that will be all the muns, no thanks and hold your applause.
This comes from cannibalistic tribes found in the jungles of Africa and Indonesia during the 18th and 19th centuries who were describing the taste of missionaries. I heard it as long pig (rather than long-pork) but that's kind of like po-tay-toe po-tat-o.
On the subject, a not very authoritative but very amusing write-up of the subject can be found here: It's about halfway down the page, right after the nature of Spam is discussed. (And, yes, there's a connection of sorts.)
Pork is by far the most common one I hear. Veal has already been mentioned as well. I recall one serial killer who fed his victims to his neighbors under the guise of the meat being venison, but at least some noted it tasted odd.
If you're talking raw, then it's going to taste predominantly of blood. This isn't in fact haemoglobin, those of you who enjoy a nice red steak, it's myoglobin, something which is kept in the muscles, not the circulatory system. The difference is that it acts as a store in your muscles, rather than running around your body taking stuff to places. Raw human would taste nearly exactly like a raw steak, or if you've ever had the pleasure of eating a blue cooked steak with light seasoning, it would taste mostly like that, minus the salt/pepper of the seasoning. So a copper-ish/iron-ish taste.
Looked it up for a book once too. Men: sort of like lamb Women: sort of like pork. The meat of women have much higher fat content than that of men, so they would taste better.
Raw beef tasted of exactly nothing to me - it was like a lump of slime... This was when I tried a traditional Czech dish, which is raw minced beef with spices on the side, eaten with fried bread, and I think normally it comes with a raw egg on top too. My Czech husband didn't like it either. Having said this, I do love raw salmon. Nothing beats salmon sashimi
Good Lord I would never eat a person. Do you have any idea what kinds of preservatives they're stuffed full of? How many viruses they inject themselves with? I only eat grass/banana fed all-organic monkeys.
That saying -- 'You are what you eat' -- Donald was never sure which part was the chicken and which the egg, but neither of those were quite to his taste. He was a farmer of the most brutal manner. He wanted to devour his own weakness as he saw it bloom in others. Sow the seeds then reap the crop. That taste of greed and idiocy... he stupidly found himself wanting more and more. --- Point being that metaphor is always an option. A man-eating demon could use it to add insult to injury (I was going to say 'salt the wound', but that just sounds like seasoning).
Raw minced beef is processed though, practically all the myoglobin are gone. Go to a butchers and buy a steak, sirloin or rump. Leave it out to reach room temperature, then heat a pan to it's highest heat. Season the steak lightly with sea salt and black pepper, then throw it in the pan. Give it 20 seconds, flip it, 20 seconds. Remove the pan from the heat, then flip it again. After another 20 seconds, put it on a plate for 1 minute. Ready to serve. It's very different to minced beef, trust me.
Well ultimately the only way to know what people taste like, is to go to a country where you might have the opportunity to get human as consumable. Or you could cut a hunk of thigh off, and pop it in the oven with some carrots and potatoes. Roast Human, just doesn't have the same ring to it. Though why in the hell would you want to eat a human? According to nature we taste bad, even sharks spit us out. So man has only lasted this long on the premise that we are the only animal that is willing to eat their own species, because we don't taste good to nature.
Actually, the reverse is true, we are one of the least cannibalistic species, hence why we take such moral and physical revulsion. Reptiles are far more cannibalistic, no we just don't taste very good in general.
@Oscar Leigh The Mowry tribe (Sorry if I butchered this one ) in New Zealand were actually cannibals up until like 2006ish. They had to sign a thing with the New Zealand government stating that they would not eat people any more. Though I am pretty sure you could go somewhere like the Sudan, or some other country with a crazy hostile living conditions. And for enough money could possibly get a chance to try people kebabs. Though I don't think human tar tar would be a wise choice, considering all the chemicals and pharmaceuticals. (So don't eat hippies, you might just go on a trip man.) So remember kids, always thoroughly cook your human before ingesting.