Mine says I look like Ian Brown and am black and white in my thinking. What does yours say about you? What does it say about a person who uses an actual image of themselves and is the need to constantly change your pic a reflection of anything deeper?
Mine says I have unfortunate taste in sports teams, and like the vintage look I suppose. Also, I guess they are my local team, so I'm proud of my hometown?
I like putting the contrast up on my pics to make my hair and makeup look bolder, so that my favourite features stand out more. I dont always feel particularly pretty, so I change my avatar alot to a current 'favourite', and hope that it makes me feel more beautiful if I appear more attractive in the 'representation' of myself. I dont see anything wrong with it - most girls like to feel pretty, and vain, even if it's just for themselves. Also, currently, my picture says that I have a strange yellow hue, for some reason.
My avatar says I like to look at myself--at the risk of sounding arrogant and vain. But I ike looking at myself. I mean I'm nothing special as such but I accept myself so I try liking myself more and more--you can't expect others to like you if you dont like yourself--there are may girls who're selfless and stuff, but that's not me. I can't preten to be those goody-goody people we read about in books. I know I look fine enough, I look at myself in all mirrors I find, I try to pretty myself up. There was a time when people and circumstances made me feel totally low. I lost all self-esteem and became totally depressed...therapy didn't help me..the I went for these group counseling sessions which had all sorts of girls and I realised how much I really have. So that's what my avatar says. It saying I'm happy to look the way I do, and I'm not going to change for anyone unless it's in a way that betters me.
Mine says several things. First, my country of residence, which in this global arena is more relevant then you might think. Second, both my level of education and where I went to school. I'm proud of both.
Well, let's see. I think my avatar symbolizes thaat I am somewhat old fashion (the flower, which is actually a white dogwood), but the changed coloring shows that I can think outside the box, and don't want to conform. If that makes any sense at all.
Mine is both about my love of winter, snow, and the cold; and also the fact that I love wolves and think they are really cute! I always think that if I were to be an animal I would be a White Wolf. But I don't know why - I just really love them!
I think mine says that I like Pride and Prejudice and that I'm too lazy to come up with a creative avatar. Or that I'm too technologically retarded to make them myself.
I can't get mine working properly, but if you look at my profile you'll see an awesome colour picture of the mandelbrot set (colours gradiated by the number of iterations x remains bound for, i.e. black is where x remains bound for every iteration the computer claculate, white is where it either didn't stay bound at all) What does that say about me? Not much, other than that I think it looks pretty cool. I guess the fact I think a piece of maths looks "pretty cool" might say something else though.
Mine doesn’t say anything really. Its just the band Disturbed’s logo pretty much. “The dude”. [FONT="]Though I do like dark things in general.[/FONT]
hmmm what does mine say about me... well it's me as a superhero (I made it on the marvelkids website hehe) maybe it means something along the lines of I like to have fun and I like the stuff thats fun for all ages even if it seems to be for younger ages (is superheros, superhero tv shows, classic disney, the disney princess' that sort of thing, hehe I love that stuff)
Mine says that I often will shave my beard in odd ways. That and I have learned (the hard way) not to make avatars that list you as a Moderator (Moderated is OK however )
Mine's of King Arthur...you know, from that obscure movie that came out several years ago. I write a lot of literature on King Arthur and whatnot, so I thought it'd be genuinely appropriate.