My mom is obsessed with books. She lives at the library and every time I see her she's got her nose in a book. We buy her books for Christmas. In fact, this Christmas the one I got her was the one she was currently reading from the library and I had no idea. meh. what are the odds? Mom reads mysteries, usually involving gruesome murders, detectives, and missing people, with fast moving plots. She and my dad love to watch 24 together as well. My dad reads a lot of books on filmmaking as he directs. He likes motivational books and books about business, and as for fiction he likes stories about the tropics. A decades long Jimmy Buffett fan (my brother and I knew the ENTIRE Songs You Know By Heart album by the time I was 7 and he was 5, no kidding) he loves Jimmy's books, particularly A Salty Piece Of Land. My brother.....hmm. He likes political commentary and sports fiction....I think.
My mum reads romance and crime. She is really the only one other than myself who reads. My little sister is into Twilight something bad though
My wife: Women's magazines and, occasionally, a newspaper. My daughter: Any book about dogs. Scary books. Twilight. My mother: Religious books, Writer's Digest, plus, some of the same books I read, which I sometimes loan her. My father (deceased in 2004): He used to read Zane Gray westerns. Later in life, he read newspapers. He always read scientific journals -- he was a scientist. And he loved Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot by Al Franken. My brother: Nothing, unless ebay auctions counts as reading. My sister: Books about her religion (Mormon), and various novels, especially the Outlander series, which I personally find offensive (as explained in another thread) because of the hero beating the heroine bloody with a leather strap in the first book.
Dad: A lot of crime-thriller novels, historical novels (his favorite is Killer Angels), some fantasy Mom: Those cheap romance novels (blech) Brother (he's 12): Teen fantasy Other brother (he's 9): Goosebumps, other kid mystery series Me: Fantasy, sci-fi, alternate history
I'm the biggest reader in my family, but my Dad's always interested in reading any fiction books I have to give him. Mostly he likes the best sellers that are up at the front of the bookstore. My mom never reads fiction. When she does read, it's non-fiction; books on the brain, politics... dog training. My brother isn't a reader at all... once he said he wanted a book, so I gave him a Dean Koontz one, knowing he'd enjoy it (because I hated it). He finished it in a day. My aunt and uncle read too, so everytime we get together they'll suggest a good book and so will I. Once again, it's general fiction... best sellers.
My family aren't big readers. My mom tends to stick to things like Dean Koontz and Danielle Steele when she gets around to reading. I dont' think my step dad has ever even cracked a book. My sister tries. She's a slow learner and still has difficulty getting through a book. Occassionally she'll get the urge and pick up a short teen novella from the library. I try to encourage it. She'll learn faster, and I think once her vocabulary grows and she's able to read a bit faster, she'll enjoy it more. My Dad reads true crime and sometimes thrillers, but I don't think he reads as much as he used to. My Aunt/Best Friend is the one who reads a lot. Or at least thinks she does. She reads a lot of the Orpah's Book List books so she thinks she's getting a well rounded, deep list of books done up. I'm sure had she the time (she has school and two jobs), she'd read more often. I try to make her read outside the Soccor Mom arena. I lent her A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. That's gonna be a bit of an eye opener for her. And my grandmother reads Harlequin 0.0
None of us read the same thing. My little brother reads children books of course and my older brother I don't think reads. I read non-fiction, science fiction, and fantasy. My mother occasionnaly reads and it's usually drama and she was real into Steve Harvey's book before she finished it.
I read: everything; Horror, Fantasy, Postmodernism, Thrillers, Mystery - everything. Dad; law textbooks and non-fiction about prison and law. Mother: Romance. Sister(s): Mystery, Horror.
My parents tend to read Christian books- both fiction and non-fiction. My brother reads fantasy novels. I tend to read primary sources of historical and religious texts as well as world literature- my studies have shown me my ignorance of world culture and I'm always trying to learn more. If I'm going to read a commercial novel it will almost always be fantasy for both entertainment and research.
Dad reads the paper. Mom reads magazines like Rolling Stone. My sister doesn't read much. In my house, I'm the only one who reads mostly fiction.
I'm the biggest reader in the house (by a fair distance). My dad tends to only read on holiday, and will read autobiographies and history (Andrew Marr's Modern History of Britain was the last thing I remember him reading, that and Pursuit, the story of the Bismarck). My mother reads mystery (most of which I buy her for Christmas, to be honest). My sister... well, the less said the better. She was loaned a book by a friend in September, which she's yet to open the cover of, and the two books I bought for her for Christmas are collecting dust.
My daughter just got done with Hamlet and then her teacher showed the whole class the movie and now she's got me reading it. The 8 yr. old likes goosebumps. The hubby and oldest daughter don't like to read.
My mom reads a lot of books on the history of her religion. My dad, two or three of my sisters, and two of my brothers read a lot of teen fantasy and sci-fi...they're pretty into the Twilight Series, Harry Potter, that kind of stuff (so am I, for that matter). My other brother reads books like Star Wars and Halo. And I'm pretty sure the other kids in my family don't read much. They're younger, and one of them has a reading disability, so it takes her a long time to get through a book.
My wife reads historical fiction, about one a week. I'm more of a nonfiction fan. My sisters read all over the board, whatever is "hot". I tend to not follow the trends, but more what piques my interest.
My mum works as a librarian and at the end of each day she'll always have a book to read, usually they're set in the mid 20th century.
Everyone in my family reads Stephen King. My sister also reads Christian non-fiction. My daughter reads anything that sounds interesting. My mom used to read Larry McMurtry a lot. My youngest daughter and my daughter-in-law would only read a book if their lives were threatened. Maybe not even then.
I'm the only person in my family who reads. Sometimes my mom will ask to read a book I'm reading after I'm done with it, but she rarely finishes the book. My sister, brother and step-father are all disinterested in reading. Which I think is kinda sad. But to each his own, I suppose.