Been reading some fantasy books and everyone once in a while servants come around and change the "rushes" in a room. I have a vague idea that they might be candles but I'm not sure. I looked up the word in my dictionary but nothing comes up that makes any sense for the way the word is used in these fantasy novels. Any ideas? I guess I could google it... I'm too lazy though, sides, changing out the rushes is an awesome discussion! : )
Rushes are used in several ways, one is the dried stalks soaked in animal fat or oils, used for lighting, burning on average for about an hour. Occasionally, they are used as a floor covering woven into a mat sometimes scented with herbs, often used in place of carpets. - Darkkin
In most fantasy books it's floor rushes, which were put down to keep the place smelling fresh and clean. Sometimes they'd be bundled with herbs (like thyme or rosemary). I really wonder about how messy that would be, especially since all the women wear floor length dresses.
Ah, I see. yeah I had an idea that they might also be something that goes on the floor but "what" exactly I wasn't sure. Thanks for the reply to my post!
It is really sad that for the first half of the paragraph I thought it was about fantasy MMO GMs changing rush strategies to rooms... Anyone else?