Well I'm just curious to what you all think. Personally I wouldn't do great with poetry compared to writing short stories or novels. I'm wondering what you guys think is the most challenging kind of writing. Like Poetry, Screenplay, Script, Novels, etc.
Poetry seems to be the hardest for me. I have tried MANY times and failed horribly trying to write poetry. Most people say that Scripts and Screenplays are the hardest type of writing. In my opinion, I don't think Scripts are all that hard, as long as you concentrate and know your storyline and stick to it. I hope this may have helped you.
Hmm, never one for poetry, and yet I can play Mozart's Clarinet concerto start to end, all three movements. So I guess I'm not rhymically inclined for prose. I thin I'd find a short story pretty complex, as you need to quickly introduce the characters, then move onto the story. Novels and scripts/screenplays I'd find pretty easy, since I visualise most of the scenes I write before I write them.
I really struggle with poetry, and screenplays. I can never make the dialogues in scripts convincing enough... I love prose though
Poetry is definitely my strongest... and as much as I hate to admit it, short stories are my hardest. I have plenty o' ideas, I just can't seem to work them out right and it is driving me crazy!
I'm not that good with poetry. I can get the occasional poem that works really well, but overall I'm not that good. Which is why I stick with short stories, and novels.
Scriptwriting is the most difficult for me, seeing as it is the most strict and by-the-book. That is precisely why I am investigating this field of writing right now, actually. That, and I am also a huge theatre buff. ;-) Shakespearean style poetry has always proved a challenge for me to write as well, although I love reading it. I'm fairly decent at sonnets though.
I would have to say poetry is my weak point. Though I have never attempted screenplay before. I imagine that would be challenging also.
Short Stories. For some odd reason. I have a knack for putting together a large story, writing verse both to image and song, essays, and scripts. But for some reason I can't write a "short" piece of prose. Silly me.
I don't like to write checks. I don't like seeing money drain out of my checking account. This is very hard on me. I could have used the money for something better. Using a debit or credit card offers no real advantage either. Money still travels in the wrong direction. Still, I prefer to use a debit card -- less time is involved, so the anguish is kept to a minimum and the process is less painful. By far, writing checks is much more difficult that writing poetry or prose, whether it's fiction or non-fiction, in first person or third person. Regarding tense, writing checks makes me tense -- past, present, and future, all at once, and I get very upset knowing that I'm using all three simultaneously in my writing, which many an English teacher has instructed me to avoid doing!
poetry is the most refined of all the writing arts and screenwriting the most specialized... that said, the 'hardest' of all would be whatever is hardest for each individual writer to do well... there's no single one, that would be 'hardest' for all, as we all have different inborn talents and levels of skill...
In terms of effort per page, poetry. It's like distilling a precious elixir, you need gallons of raw materials to produce a few drops of the purified product. For me, screenplays aren't even on the horizon. I've not been inspired in that direction at all, and the rigors of the formatting conventions would mire me in tedium. Short stories are my natural medium. The length is such that I can develop an idea and the characters that carry the story forward. It also fits my temperament because I can wrap up one idea in a reasonable timeframe and move ahead to the next one. Lately, however, some of my story ideas are beginning to feel cramped in the short story format. As a total project, novels are the most daunting for me. I cannot step out of a short story mentality, which makes me continually return to material I've written and polish and refine it. Just generating the sheer volume to construct a novel seems an overwhelming task. Nonetheless, I am attempting a novel at this time.
i can't write poetry or anything remotely musical to save my life. my ex-boyfriend was in a band and he could write brilliant songs in about ten minutes, which just made me jealous lol. find it hard writing short stories because i generally can't think of a story short enough, if that doesn't sound stupid
It's a general question, but IMO fiction, particularly novels, is by far the most difficult genre to write. Why? You are not constrained by the truth, which means you must not only craft a narrative structure and mode of storytelling, but must craft the story as well. It makes nonfiction, in comparison, look like child's play. (This from a nonfiction writer, I might add.)
I hate short stories, since I feel like (to use my grandparents' term) I'm trying to stuff eight pounds of sugar in a five pound bag. It just doesn't fit. That's not to say I can't write them---some people (get this) actually enjoy my short stories---I just don't like to write them. I'm not much of a poet, either, unless you count that sixteen-page-long Dante's Inferno mimic I had to write. It rhymed and had standard three-line stanzas, but I think it sort of ended up like a mini-novel in a corset, and not true poetry. So, for most challenging, I'd like to submit Poetry, and for Darndest, I submit Short Story.
On a personal note, I dislike poetry, though I seem to remember being ok at it at school. In my opinion good Comedy is the hardest to write. I suppose that's the burden of being not very funny <sigh>
I think every form has its difficulties so it varies on the writer. THe easiest for me are fiction in general. I can write a short story, an many wind up with plans for a novel. My problem with novels is that I plan my story out before I comence the writing process. By knowing the entire story in my head I disuad myself from writing it down cause I've already developed everything and know the details. Its a curse. I have to power my way through to finish the writing. I've never tried a screen play and don't want too. I like making up stories and enjoy the freedom of writing. Screen Plays seem in contradiction to my goals as a writer. Poetyr and Non-fiction just bore me to death. Most non-fiction is horribly boring unless its a subject I'm interested in (Autobiographies? BLAH! The history of WWII? WOOT!). Poetyr I jsut don't get. Why spend hours writing a few lines to perfection when I can write ten pages of storyline in the same time frame? Its a personal thing.
Short stories are fine for me, and poetry is just talking like someone with timing issues...I guess since I've finished them so rarely, novels would be my "hardest kind of writing." But that doesn't seem right because the aren't hard to right...in fact I find them fun and easy. I just forget about them and then it's months later when I find them again and they've been sitting there untouched the whole time. Song lyrics, I think. That's my hardest type of writing. They piss me off- every time I try something, it sounds corny.