So Iv'e noticed that whilst writing I sometimes can or cannot get in the "mood" for writing, sometimes I cant think up ideas, sometimes the plot hits a brick wall, but other times the words flow out of my head like a river. So what methods or comforts do you accompany yourself with, whilst writing? Usually for me its a nice warm cup of tea, either listening or not listening to music.
To me, it's watching movies set around the time my book is. (The Patriot, documentaries about the Revolution/French and Indian War, etc). Whenever I watch this, I feel a sudden urge to start writing. I mean, I can't even watch a scene from "The Patriot" without feeling that urge to write. THAT'S how strong it is.
To many people they find music a distraction, but for me it seems to work. Just yesterday I was role playing with a friend while listening to music and as I was working on my character's post there was one word from the song that inspired be to continue writing. It was just one little word that sent my fingers flying over the keyboard! You could try music too. In my opinion any background noise that is comfortable to you is good, because that way you just might get more ideas.
I listen to music too, but it has to be instrumental, or in a language I cant understand, because then I usually end up letting those lyrics get in the way. Nothing's better than a deadline.
For me, it is music. What I do is compile a list of music that has the same mood as the genre I am writing. For example, I am in the process of writing a novel and use the following as mood music.... Conjure One [Center of the Sun is amazing to listen to] Type O negative [October Rust] Chicane 8mm [highly recommend the song "Don't give it up"] Fear Factory Oceanlab Joseph Haydn God Lives Underwater Mozart
I listen to music that inspires whatever I am writing...right now it is Christmas music because I am writing a Holiday piece. I am also eating peppermint candy and lighting spice scented candles. It's funny how different things can be inspiring.
I cannot stand listening to music. I like absolute silence, which makes it hard when my roommate comes home and starts asking me random questions about the stock market or Rush Limbaugh. Now, what helps me write is completely different from silence: it's thought. Just sitting down and thinking helps me write like an actual writer... well, like a fake version of a real writer.
I am always in the "mood" to write. My problem is a myriad of time demands that prevent me from writing. So, the biggest "motivator" for me is denial of opportunity.
Iust learnt that watching the flame of a candle really makes you think, suprisingly it helped me write alot!
That would explain why people can sit around a camp fire and just stare at it for hours....they're all lost in thought. For me, I feel inspired when I have time to just think. Usually when I'm laying in bed before/after sleep and don't have any other distractions. Also, I have this thing I do - I role play the characters and kind of 'act out' their interactions and dialogue. It really helps coz I can feel when a line doesn't seem authentic and it gives me ideas for where to take the story. Seriosuly, my characters are people inside my head, screaming to get out. They have a mind of their own most of the time.
I have use my hour glass to think whenever i'm feeling a bit clogged up. Watching the sand fall just puts me in a nice relaxed state. I also do something similar to jessica in that i usually have my characters come in for counseling sessions where they sit down alone or in a group and have some very insightful and sometimes really weird conversations unrelated to the plot. This not only helps relax me but its also so much fun
Reading and watching films I guess - both of these make me think 'damn, I wish I could write like that' or, 'My god, that was such a cool idea' and pretty much force me to go and do some writing. Ideas start popping up all over the place after that - it's important to catch them before they disappear.
Certain music playing is always an inspiration to me. I love to sit in front of my fireplace with the lap top, then locate pictures that compliment my words.
My thoughts are usually very cinematic so I listen to music that would fit as the soundtrack and I put the thoughts on paper. I also pace back and forth when I get stuck.
I find, lighting a jostick helps me think. I listen to music as well, any type, and i can make any song fit what I'm writing. It's wierd, 'cause a could be listening to American Idiot, by GreenDay, and be writing a romance novel and still find some meening behind the song. Fantasy Girl xx
Apart from learning how to do a better job of it, not much. I used to play music, but found I would always tune it out entirely when the words began to flow. There's no room in my mind for anything else, then. These days, it doesn't take me long to get started. I always know what I want to write, unless I have research to do, so it's only a matter of finding the right words. That can take some time, but adequate words come quickly. You can train yourself to enter the "zone" at will. Either decide to write at random times, whenever you have nothing important to do, (what I did) or make a schedule for yourself and stick to it. Whichever way, sit there until you've written something or run out of time. If you can force yourself to do that, I'm sure it won't be long before you notice an improvement. It just requires a bit of willpower. I opted for randomness because I don't like to be dependant. I wanted to be able to write, and write well, at any hour of the day or night, and not be psychologically bound to a certain time or product (music, snacks, whatever). I will say, it wasn't easy to start. . . but it does pay off. Oh, and I always make sure I have water on hand. If I don't have it within reach, I won't usually interrupt myself to get some. If I'm on a roll, my eyes dry out from dehydration. I don't really notice it much until I finish, or I ignore it, and then my eyes are on fire from staring at the screen so long. Hehe. . .
Drink whisky mixed with warm water or China tea in the total silence of the small hours when everyone else is asleep.
Music inspires me. It's probably common but whatever mood the scene in my book is, I listen to that type of music, for example- If its a sad scene I listen to heart breaking songs, if its a fighting scene (which I normally write with lots of gore ) rock is the best option.