Hi I have an idea for an evil character but I'm not sure what trope he fits into. He's a genius & charismatic but other than that is fairly normal (i.e. doesn't have billions of dollars, no magical/superhero powers). He likes chaos/anarchy and he is trying to cause the most damage to the global economy with the least amount of effort. Some typical terrorist things like targeted attacks to provoke govt overreactions but also sponsoring computer viruses, introducing pests etc to damage cash crops in a country. Kind of like a more cerebral Tyler Durden (Fight Club). What's the trope for someone who tries to cause a cascade effect from a small start, rather than making a big, showy statement?
Forget the word trope. Generally it won't help you. Just write your character in the joyous freedom of tropelessness.
According to TV tropes this is a Batman Gambit and the person who does executes the gambit is The Chessmaster. No direct links as a gift for people who don't have two days to spend mired in TV tropes. But, of course, you should not bound by the tropes.