1. newguy

    newguy New Member

    Nov 12, 2006
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    everywhere but home

    Whats wrong...

    Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by newguy, Dec 19, 2006.

    I know this is selfish and all...

    But what is wrong with my poetry
    I know it is bad I just need someone to tell it straight
    just not the kind digwell hit me with
    that was a super burn
  2. poetryliberates

    poetryliberates Banned

    Nov 19, 2006
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    The pits of hell
    newguy, im telling you now, there is NOTHING wrong with your poetry at all. and sure some people can be harsh with their crits here, but most of those who burn you, are set in their ways and believe all poetry should be written how they write. But your poetry, is YOUR own words, YOUR own thoughts, YOUR own feelings..no one elses, and when you can flow all of that from your heart and onto a piece of paper, then it is beautiful, as you created it. dont take everything to heart, i did, and i almost left, but i was convinced to stay and im glad i did because i realised that even if i hate it when i dont get the feedback that im looking for, this forum has taught me alot, but i still write with my own style, and i believe in myself which is the greatest belief to have

    keep your chin up

  3. zerobytes

    zerobytes New Member

    Nov 8, 2006
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    lol - I'm sorry you feel frustrated Newguy. I tried going down that road with you once but it appears people don't seem too interested here in open feedback. Hence my "retirement" from your work. Truth is, your writing is yours and there's nothing WRONG with that. Your ideas are good, your images moving, and your poems engaging...for the most part. But none of us are perfect writers here so we can only respond as we see it. And everyone has different tastes here - so some people will love your stuff and others will pan it. That's par for the course with critiques.

    Of course, if you want to talk "technically wrong" that is a different story. Spelling, structure, and grammar are things you shouldn't shortcut or they will cheapen your work. If you want to bend those rules then master them first, then bend them. There was a huge discussion on these boards somewhere about "good writing" and "bad writing". You might want to look it up. Basically, your writing isn't "wrong" but it might need some growth, practice, good feedback. If you expect perfection now...well...it's a journey newguy and somewhere along the road you'll realize that there is something very right about the stuff you've written.

  4. SeaBreeze

    SeaBreeze Banned

    Dec 15, 2006
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    At the bar
    I don't think ur stuff sucks at all. I'm still reading most of it. So keep going!
  5. newguy

    newguy New Member

    Nov 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    everywhere but home
    hey zero
    I appreciated the feed back back then
    made me feel as if I had to perfect it
    but at the same time I wanted to keep some of it as it was
    so I am asking not whats wrong... rather technically whats wrong
  6. Kat

    Kat New Member

    Dec 6, 2006
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    North Carolina

    I've only read a few of your poems. I gave you my thoughts. I don't think anything is WRONG with your poetry. Everyone needs practice and everyone writes a clinker once in while. And after a while, you'll know when you've written one. I'm not saying I've read a clinker of yours! :) And if you post stuff on a site where people comment, you're going to get opinions. I've never understood when people get upset because someone didn't like what they wrote and posted somewhere. (I'm NOT saying you are like this!) but the basic facts are one person's trash is another person's treasure. You know? Don't sweat comments you don't agree with from someone who's opinion you don't value. If someone who's opinion counts to you says, "Hey, this doesn't ring right." then you might re-think the poem.

    Not sure I'm making sense. But I hope this helps. I went back and found the person's comment. I wouldn't worry about it. If you think you're doing good then don't worry about it.

    As for keeping lines as they are, I try hard to never be so married to a line that I can't try the poem without it. Or change a word.

    Okay...I'm rambling. I'll stop now! :)

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