When I was studying for the GRE last year, I came across a few words that I liked for various reasons: the way they sound, their definition, etc. What are your favorite words, and why? Here are some of mine: Panache: flamboyance or dash in style or action (because I think it fits its definition really well) Canard: an unfounded rumor or story (because it sounds silly. Now whenever someone spreads lies, I yell, "CANARD!") Solecism: a grammatical mistake; blunder in speach (because I like the way it sounds with an australian accent) Esoteric: understood only by a few (because it kind of is its definition)
Guffaw - it makes me guffaw. Constantinople - yeah it's a name, but it's awesome. Kataphraktoi -yeah, yeah, it's the Greek version of 'Cataphract', meaning a heavily armored cavalry man of ancient and early medieval times, but it's, like, one of the most epic words ever
Glass - a perfect word Dawn - another perfect word. You can write great poems with words like glass and dawn.
Idiosyncrasy/Idiosyncrasies -- a lot better than saying "quirks" or "traits". Plum -- it's just fun to say. Bourgeoisie -- I love the way it sounds when you say it.
This very likely isn't true. How often do you use this word in you writing? Never, of course. So what is your REAL favorite word?
I don't have a favorite. but there are some that make me smile or chuckle Burble Cacophony Tintinabulation
Crestfallen Elixir Lagoon Woebegone Murmer Bibliomaniac Discombobulate Winnebago Gormless Nebula Effervescent My absolute favourite is probably crestfallen.
Not a real word (I dont think), but a word they used in a bank commercial (which could easily be googled). Shabangabang.
Kumquat is the most phonetically pleasing word ever invented. Far as words I use regularly in my writing and everyday speech, it's the word dead. Another word which I learned from our very own Aaron89, doucheface, gets an honorable mention. I've been saying that annoyingly often at home lately.
I have so many favourite words, I can't choose. One of my favourites though is my username, eunoia. It means beautiful thinking.
The lyrics to my favorite song of all time begin with the line, "Crestfallen sidekick in an old cafe". Doesn't get any better than that.
Storming when used as an adjective. Holds so much power and aggression. It's great for someone like me, who likes powerful, aggressive words and phrases (even though sometimes I also like to work with subtleties of language). Ooh, here's another one: eschew. Dunno why. Just like it.
Stubborn. It's such a weird word - doesn't rhyme with anything, seems unrelated to any other word. It's just there. Stubborn. Strengths. Nine letters, only one vowel! Very cool.