Ok im just wondering if Brandon Sanderson has done a good enough job? Ive not started reading "The Gathering Storm" i dont want any spoilers i would just like to know if he did James Oliver Rigney, Jr aka Robert Jordan justice? Thnaks in advance
Woah, what can I say. I personally think he did a fantastic job, he really did Gathering Storm justice. Towers of Midnight was even better, I felt as if the way it was written hadn't changed much from when Robert Jordan was writing the series. Towers of Midnight, made it almost impossible for me to wait until A Memory of Light comes out. I highly recommend that you read both books.
Yeah I concur with Toxic, Sanderson has done an Exceptional job of staying as close as possible to Jordans writing. @ Squidget - there is going to be 14 in total, Towers of Midnight is the current book and is 13th in the series. There is 1 prequel too but is not part of the main story lines
Should I give the series another try? I enjoyed the first 3 books, but I couldn't make it through book 4. It seemed to really start to drag. Does it get better or is it more of the same?
If you find them slow, try listening to the unabridged audio version. The two readers do a fantastic job of reading and it's not boring or slow any longer. I know the story up to book 8, but I've only read the prequel. I just listened to the audio books. That's how I plan to "read" the rest of the books. It also enables you to do something else, like drive, or cook i guess, or create art....etc.
I read them and can't wait for the last book My doubts were unfounded. The books are worth the read and I can't wait for the last book in the series, well worth the read. And yes! the audiobooks are great, nothing like laying in bed nice and snug while Kate Reading and Michael Kramer read the book to you. 9/10
Thanks for this thread. I've also been thinking about starting the Wheel of Time series. But so far I've put it off, partly because I'm the type of person who has to finish a series once its started. If I get through the first book without tossing it aside, I must read the rest. Thirteen books will take a while! And I'm always worried that the quality of writing will fade, just as the Ender's Game series started strong but became weaker and weaker with each instalment, only to end up with a crappy Tom Clancy style tactical/political bore-fest.
I had abandoned this series at book eight when I found out RJ wasn't going to be able to finish it. No matter how it ended, I just couldn't get past the fact that it probably wasn't how RJ, himself, would have ended it. The reviews here make me want to give it a try, though...
Brandon Sanderson is a very good writer. I haven't read the final volumes yet, but people I know personally who have read them say he's actually made an improvement over the last few volumes, where RJ was really starting to lose focus.
I'd given up after the disaster that was The Crossroads of Twilight, but during my renovations last month I had spare time so I pushed through Knife of Dreams and read The Gathering Storm, which is the first of the Sanderson co-writes. It actually renewed my interest in the series. I'd put it alongside the 4th and 6th as my favourite of the series.
The second book will always be one of my all time favourites, but I stopped at book seven I think. The plot became ponderously slow. After reading these comments I almost feel like revisiting the wheel of time, but I wonder if the end is worth wading through all those volumes.
P yep. Me two, I think they laced the second book with a little something, lol. But I definitely decided to download and give it another try. The power of user reviews, lol
That little something I believe was called Selena. I loved that character. I remember racing through the pages, just so Rand could meet her again. In fact I think one of the reasons I stopped at book seven was because she made an exit at book five, I think. My memory is hazy.
I disagree about Brandon Sanderson. Seems there is a lot of hype about him, but his work (to me at least) seems like standard fare. His creativity is cookie cutter variety. Another by the book overgrown child who does everything expected of a writer, but his output has no soul or real originality. "Look at me everyone, I'm a writer!". Maybe its just because I find his podcast annoying. Anyway, not a fan.
I've been a fan of the Wheel of Time since I was in high school and the last couple books have been nothing but positive for me. I'm not going to lie, the style is a bit different, and sometimes I can even pick out parts where "this feels like RJ" and others where it doesn't. The writing is good all around, but the style is different - almost as if the books was written by two different people . I suspect that book fourteen will be about the same. Recently my brother has been trying to get me into the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson, which looks cool but I'll need to make a special effort to find a copy. And I definitely concur with what people here are saying about parts of the series being slow. For me, books three, six, nine, and twelve, and thirteen were the most enjoyable, with some slow ones in between, especially seven and eight. But they were all good, definitely worth working through the slow parts, especially since that's where RJ likes to hide all sorts of clues for sub-plots.