If I had a fireplace, warm blanket, warm cup of (insert beverage here), and a sharp pencil...I wouldn't mind. But, it's the end of April in MN and we keep getting hit with snow. Anyone find a type of weather that just screws with your writing mojo? Mine is winter...the long 8 months of winter in MN... =P
We've had 28 inches of snow in the last week where I live in Colorado. I really want to get my garden planted but the weather just won't cooperate. As far as writing goes, I get low over the winter months anyway and I need a very strict schedule to keep making progress. I'll be very happy when we start getting rain instead of snow as I love the rain. I write like a fiend when it is raining.
I love the rain as well! However, it's the rain/snow mix that leaves me uneasy. Here, it seems as though mother nature is playing games. It will snow 6-8 inches then melt away, then the next day, snow another 4-6 inches. I should try the schedule to get writing done. My schedule is pretty packed as it is but I can make it work, right? =)
The same snow/melt/snow thing is happening here. 60 degrees Fahrenheit one day and 20 degrees the next. If you are having trouble finding time to write, do try to set aside some time each day and during that time, give yourself a goal of so many pages or words. It can be a small goal, 100 words for example, but if you keep to it, the words will begin to pile up and your writing muscles will grow and it will become easier and easier.
For writing, I love any form of precipitation. A gorgeous, sunny day is the worst thing for me as far as doing anything on the computer. .
Anytime it conflicts with what I'm struggling to convey at the moment - like if I'm trying to write a gorgeous sunny day and it's been raining for a week - or if I'm trying to conjure images of Autumn and it's sweltering out. Other than that I don't get too depressed about the weather. I live in Canada - you never know what it's going to be like! The other day it was snowing - didn't last long but still - snow.
I love the winter for writing. I used to live in Canada and the winter would pretty much force us to stay indoors most of the time. We'd get a fire going and I'd write. Being outside sucked, so I had to stay inside, and what was I going to do? Summers in Canada are precious and I always felt like being outside enjoying the warmth and the sun. I could never get much writing done then. Here in Southern California, we don't get proper winters. Never any snow, and it doesn't even rain much. Not a good climate for writing, I find. I'm going to have to move north someday soon.
Well I will trade places with you! =P I love sitting under a massive tree and writing or just plain reading. So much fun!
Here in Maine, we had a typicial Maine winter (snowy and cold) this year. And this mud season in Maine, it's been colder than normal up until today. So to those in Minnesota who are sick of winter, I can relate. It can be harder to write a positive story when you're feeling blue during the frigid winter.
Haha, yes, this is true...It's been a long day. I wish the sun was back out! I was in a meeting all day and have found the sun liked it then, but now, no sun =(
It's impossible to write down here in the evenings, I agree (they're just too beautiful). But what about mornings? A glorious, sunny morning is inspiring to do just about anything, including writing. Half the time its overcast in the AM, anyway.