Hello, My English is not native. I am working on a book, it is computer book for teaching programming language. The only issue is that my English is not native and I am sure I am having spelling and grammar errors. How publishers working with this kind of issue? They have service to fix the English errors for some one like me when the English is not native? THANKS
You may have to find a professional to copy edit your work prior to it being submitted. You are hailing from Israel where I am sure these services can be found.
you not only 'may' need to do that, but definitely 'will' if your english needs significant correction... a publisher's editor will only correct typos and minor goofs [if there are not too many of them] for new and unknown writers... otherwise, a ms submitted to them that's in need of major help will most likely be rejected... i work with aspiring writers all over the world and will be glad to give your ms a looking-over, may be able to edit it for you... i do all for free, with no strings attached... email me if you want to discuss this... love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com
Since your book is technical and not literary, I think any person who are native speaker or have English knowledge equal to that of a native speaker will be able to help you. So, look for such a person first before spending money on professional copy edit.
But I don't think the poster is looking for help in that front, he is more like unsure of his English grammar, spelling and proper sentence structure. Like for example in his post: How publishers working with this kind of issue? They have service to fix the English errors for some one like me when the English is not native? He needs someone to correct the sentences as: How do publishers help with these kind of issues? Do they have service to fix English errors for someone like me whose English is not native? Anyways, unless the professional copy editor has computer programming background, it'll be difficult for him/her to 'present it in an appetizing manner'.
Personally, and I am not a native english speaker either, I would say that any technical books, have even a greater need for help than any fictional book. I say this because a lot of technical terms can be quite specific and the language used is not exactly your every day run of the mill english.
I disagree. Technical writers specialize in writing clear and correct technical content. It's quite a demanding specialty.