We recently installed an Amazon Bookstore page to the forum and I was expecting a flood of members to PM me to get their books displayed in the Bookstore and move that merch! Where y'all at? Why my PM box ain't blowin' up? Seriously, if your book is available through Amazon, PM me and get that book up in our store! This includes single author titles and also if you are included in an anthology. Bookstore :bookstore:
They might be working on their next batch of stories. Just give 'em time, they'll come. I'm sure they will.
All my stuff that's been published is in a language other than English (so it isn't on Amazon because the language isn't supported). I only put together the e-books and pdfs at the request of former fans, it's not something that's up to the standard I expect of myself now. I didn't publish them traditionally when I had the offer, for the same reason. Didn't want my practice work to 'haunt' me throughout my career. But as soon as I have something suitable, I'll be sure to let everyone know
sadly not yet, i do have four poems (under my pen name) being published in an anthology for charity soon, when i get details i will share but other than that im sorry!
Actually, thanks for mentioning your anthology. I'm wondering how many members are included in anthologies and feel this doesn't count... IT COUNTS!!! I added that wording to the OP, just to clarify.
Awesome, i know what the title and book cover look like, but sadly, i cant tell anyone until Wednesday (its driving me mad here!)
I normally drop by just to see if I can usefully comment, and I didn't even notice the page until now. Under the pen name Bryan Romer: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I11OFBU/?tag=postedlinks04-20 Under the pen name V.W. Singer: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HXR3NKC/?tag=postedlinks04-20
Done mine, I'm in there! and now feverishly trying to complete the next project but in all honesty, @Wreybies I only knew about it because I read your tagline saying in red letters "are you published? pm me about it" so maybe some people haven't seen that and the whole thing needs a separate thread???
@Wreybies : The store page looks a bit messed up on the iPad. The sidebar has massive blue writing that's obscuring the right hand side and about a third of the displayed books.
I also have the blue writing obscuring the right hand side, and I'm not even using an iPad. Just a regular laptop. I can only view three books.
I have only one that is in portuguese (and old that I used to see how KDP works). I don't think it's apply now. If I finish one, you will see my messages flooding your inbox And the anthology where I have a short is published by a "small publisher" (aka printing service) that doesn't even know what is an ebook :/