I'm currently working on a fantasy/steampunk story and are considering how to make the cover. I have a few ideas what I want it to look like, and as I don't have humans in the story at all, it would be easier to show the main characters on the cover rather than depend on describing them in the story. (I will of course describe them, but it's easier to see them right there on the cover.) Anyway, as I can't draw, found a few pictures on the internet that looks a bit like the characters and edited them to look more like I want my characters to look like. But I can't draw at all, so I would need someone to help me draw the cover. Anyone know where I can find such a person? I'm be willing to pay for the job.
Elance. You can get bids from artists there. They'll range from relatively inexpensive to expensive, and people will provide samples of their work.