Does anyone out there know where I can find a detailed list of dissected sentences? I searched the net with no luck. Thanks
I found a site with three examples, but I'm sure you already found it considering it was in a Google search. Here's the link.
Thanks for the link. I'm really looking for a long list of sentences that are broke down into the parts of speech.
Ah Ha! I should have searched under sentence diagrams. This is a nice link for anyone who is interested. Diagramming Sentences
Not to sound like a prick, but why do you want to diagram sentences? There really isn't much practical reason for doing so.
It all depends on to what degree you wish to be a seat-of-the-pants writer, I believe there is real value in understanding the full anatomy of a sentence. For one thing, it illuminates grammatical ambiguity.
No, you don't sound like a prick. It's ok. I just want to have a full understanding of what's what inside a sentence. If you read the functions of the parts of speech, it seems that the next step is to look at them in use. For example, You may read, "An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb." To see it applied in a sentence and see its relationship with the other words in the sentence makes it very clear. Exactly Also, I am hoping that diagramming sentences can help me understand how my favorite writers create different styles. If I can break down their sentences, I may be able to find a pattern in the way they are arranged. Then I can apply it to my own writing. That's all.
I guess I always found it superfluous because I could understand what going on in the sentence without having to break it down into some tree-shaped mess. To me, that conglomeration is more confusing that simply trying to figure out what's going on in the sentence as it is. That said, I think this evening I'm going to have the man that I tutor in Latin diagram the exercise sentences. He doesn't understand how nouns interact with verbs anymore than he knows how prepositions interact with their objects. For people like that, I can see that diagramming would begin the steps toward understanding, but once you do understand what's going on, I don't see the real practicality of it. That could just be me though.