Time for the ultimate in vanity! Talking about yourself in completely useless descriptions that nobody else truely gives a rat about! Yay, I love talking about myself! (and I'm sure you do too!) Anyways, where and why did you get the current avatar you are using? Just a random question that popped in my mind and I'm sure everyone has a (semi) interesting story behind it. So... I'll start first! I picked my avatar because it's the cool logo for one of my favorite punk bands Black Flag. Now it's your turn!
Mine's the Unknown Rebel, or Tank Man, from the Tiananman Square massacre. He's awesome and bad, but I could totally take him in a fair fight.
Space shuttle re-entry, I got it from wikipedia I think. I guess it just looks cool, and I've always been interested in space travel stuff.
I got it for my facebook account, but I thought I'd fit it in here. A fantastic and alluring seashore, as you can see.
I googled mine. I've a major phobia of clowns and this is one of my steps to over come that phobia. My last one was of a Torana and was made up by ILTBY. I loved it too. I can't find it now though
Myn is Great Cthulhu, from the short story The Call of Cthulhu by H.P Lovecraft. He is an immortal creature of unimaginable power, and a Great Old One. He is waiting benith the sea, in the Insane corpse city R'leyth to distroy/enslave Mankind for the rest of time.
torana, if you want to take another step in conquering your fear of clowns, become a fan of ICP (Insane Clown Posse), lol. Mine is typically me with onion rings on my fingers. Yeah- X-citing.
Now that I figured out how to change them I change mine quite often. Usually they are my cats or my grandchildren. the one now is of Cameron, he is 7months old. next I think it will be Sean he is 7. Children and animals are cute and I don't have much imagination so I stick with simple.
Raven yours looks like something someone would put on a fancy sports car. I really like that one. I also like Daniels hand. very interesting
i googled for mine in google images, wanted it to show my fondest wish... it's from the movie, 'deep impact' in which, unfortunately, the impact wasn't great enough to completely rid the planet of its most destructive species... better luck next time? ;-)
Mine's Rincewind from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, the Last Continent in particular, just because he's a hilarious and entertaining character