Here is what I'm talking about: Liza said. "I'm very happy for you dear." OR Liza said, "I'm very happy for you dear". People say both is okay, but I want to hear what you have to say. From another writer.
I believe this would be the most commonly used form, but I believe the period would be inside the quotation marks.
The final period goes inside the quotatation marks, but the dialogue tag (Liza said) should be followed by a comma, not a period. This may help: He said, she said - Mechanics of Dialogue Note that a comma is also needed between you and dear.
Don't listen to "people" because your "people" are wrong. Only one way is correct and neither example is right. Liza said, "I'm very happy for you, dear." That's how it goes. If you want more of an explanation:
get yourself a good punctuation guide and keep it handy while you write... here's a couple of good ones, plus a basic reference most seasoned writers rely on: meanwhile, here's a good online one [not quite as good as the best in book form, however]: see the writing basics sticky for more online sites to help with your english/grammar/etc.:
If you are writing US English. If you are writing British English, Fowler says: Liza said, "I'm very happy for you dear".is right (whether you are using traditional or logical stop placement), but the Oxford style insists on Liza said, "I'm very happy for you dear."just like the US style. That seems to be winning over Fowler, possibly due to US influence. But as Fowler points out, "Questions of order between inverted commas and stops are much debated and a writer's personal preference often conflicts with the style rules of editors and publishers". Of course, publishers tend to have the final say! You can probably tell from where I place the stops that I prefer the system described by Fowler. That's probably because I'm old, and it was the prevailing system in the UK when I was being taught.
I'm writing US english, through I'm not great at english... My english grammar is not good so that's why I asked. In other languages, my grammar is much better.