Hello, I just have a very quick question about looking for agents. I'm hoping to begin hunting in about a month, but seeing as my book is science-fiction for young adults I don't know whether to look for agents specialising in science-fiction or in YA fiction. Or should I just look for general agents with no speciality, if they even exist? It may be a stupid question, I don't know, but I wanted to check.
Well, from somebody who has no agent yet, I'd probably look for both Sci-fi and YA agents and see if you can find any that specifically mention both (or exclude one or the other, so you know not to query them).
There are agents who represent both YA and Sci Fi. I'd try to find one of them. If there are YA SciFi books that you like, see if you can find out which agent repped those books. (Often they're thanked in the acknowledgements, so you can guess and google.)
This is a great way to find an agent. Another option is Publishers Marketplace, query tracker, agent query - in that order (imo). . .