1. kablooblab

    kablooblab New Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    at home

    Which do you think would be better?

    Discussion in 'Setting Development' started by kablooblab, Jan 22, 2012.

    I want to write a trilogy and have it set something like this. Inspired by demonbound in the short story fantasy section

    Lucifer and his brother are both princes and will take the throne when they are ready and God will step down. Lucifer is the main character here, and he falls in love with a new soul that recently arrived to heaven. But he also resents his father a little because his father seems to power hungry. His brother kills lucifers girlfriend and makes it seem like God did it. Lucifer then gets his mentor and another friend of his to join together and kill god.

    They don't think they can do it alone so Lucifer goes to his brother to help him. His brother says he will, but in turn tells God of the plan. Lucifer is then cast out with the other two into the void. Leaving Lucifer with a burning hatred for God, and his brother. His brother also becomes the new God for saving the father and the old one retires. Because Lucifer was so powerful as a prince and with the help of his two friends the void where souls go that aren't worthy has like a big bang affect and turns into hell. A vast burning wasteland.

    Then in the second book they are slowly preparing to be able to get outside of the void, and to do this they need enough souls inside hell, and enough supporters devil worshippers/sympathizers to be let out. So one of his greater demons (one of the two friends from the first book) is able to leave, but he doesn't have a body.

    Lucifers friend converts people with more "evil" means by possesing people and tricking them. Either making them do evil deeds so they go to hell for example person A kills person B person C loved person B and then kills person A. person C goes to hell. Or, doing something such as converting a priest and spreading the word of Lucifer so more people follow him.

    All while a person with a similar goal, but on Gods side is trying to convert people to gods side. He is Gods new son Jesus. Jesus basically does what he did in the bible. Healing people and such. Eventually they both convert so many people that two religions form, one worshipping the devil and the other worshipping god. They go to war, the devil wins. With Lucifer now having so many supporters and souls he is able to step out of the void.

    In the third, the world is burning and corrupt it is run rampant with demons and any other creations Lucifer can conjure up. his ultimate goal is to get back into heaven and kill the old God, and his brother. For casting him out, killing his love and eternally scarring him(making him look devilish, with horns and such) and branding him as evil. I haven't really decided if he succeeds or not.

    So, should this be set in the bible like story with God, jesus etc. Or should I make my own world? Skipping the hell part and keeping it as the void. Also heaven just be the afterlife. God is like a superghost that gains power by people praying to him and worshiping him. Lucifer is similar when he goes into the void.
  2. kablooblab

    kablooblab New Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    at home
    Oh and I kind of like the heaven, hell thing to make kind of a "what if" backstory to the bible. But also like making my own stories from scratch so Im not sure what I want to do
  3. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    I personally think you should make your own world.
    I am not getting the void bit. What purpose does the void serve?
    It is more fun to create then replicate.
  4. ChickenFreak

    ChickenFreak Contributor Contributor

    Mar 9, 2010
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    I would not only put it in your own world, but I would take it down to a normal human level. I would find it far, _far_ more interesting if you were dealing with a political dynasty, or a civil war, or for that matter a conflict to take control of an ordinary neighborhood or an extended family or a labor union or any other organization. Situations that are so far above the normal human existence are, IMO, rarely interesting.
  5. Ziggy Stardust

    Ziggy Stardust Active Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I agree with ChickenFreak, I think it would be much better to bring it down to a human level.

    I don't think it would be a good idea to write a story about Satan creating hell and trying to kill God because his "girlfriend" was knocked off by his brother.

    But could be a great story for human characters.
  6. Pink-Angel-1992

    Pink-Angel-1992 Active Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    From your explination of your idea, I gather that your story is within the supernatural genre. I don't know if what ChickenFreak said is true or not, though personally, I think it sounds really interesting and would be great a new twist on what is generally told! I'd say to keep it as it is, though with there being so many religions currently about, people may question why all of a sudden they disappear and two religions groups arise. If you can explain it right that people can except it, then that okay, so just be careful. I don't know what era it will be set in, but I think you may need to consider how you'd show other reglions disappearing and two forming.
  7. kablooblab

    kablooblab New Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    at home
    Ok I started writing it with them as humans. I like that idea, Now I can have my completely fresh world. You guys are right that Satan being all satany because of a girl would be a little stupid. But I still want him to be tricked and get exiled. Then coming back. Also the "void" is switched to a wasteland like island where outcasts/prisoners are sent. I want Leon, the brother to love his little brother but to also care about his own personal power and greed. So he isn't just a totally evil cliche character.
  8. Metus

    Metus New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
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    Omega 4 Relay
    You might attract a lot of controversy with this book. I don't have a problem with it at all, but you should just be aware that some people take perceived conflicts with their faith waaay too far.
  9. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    1. Forget trilogy. Write one stand alone novel. It will be a great enough challenge to begin with, and publishers will shy away from any mention of a series.

    2. Choose your own story direction. It's your story, and your decisions to make. Think like a writer. Make your own decisions and see where they take you.

    If you ask other people's opinions, all you get is how they would write their story based on your initial premise (prompt).
  10. kablooblab

    kablooblab New Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    at home
    If someone gets offended because their little fairy tale is a little different than mine they need to get the stick out of their ass

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