A female lycan (different form of werewolf) who can change into a large wolf or a girl who is a phoenix and can transform into large bird? In my story so far I've been writing her as a lycan but the phoenix idea keeps nagging at me and now I don't know if I want to switch it or not. The good thing about the lycan idea is that she is not the only one and has a set of weaknesses and strengths (i.e., stronger on the full moon, burned by silver, etc.) But then again, werewolves have had the spotlight for a while now so I was thinking maybe it was time to give another supernatural creature a shot. So which idea sounds more interesting and which do you think would probably make a better story?
If you like it, try it. Be sure to save the female lycan idea - you might find you just can not work with the phoenix. As for me, the werewolf idea cannot be done enough. A phoenix as a protagonist - that sounds pretty neat. You're well off either way, but make sure you do attempt to use the phoenix idea. It does sound pretty, well, unique.
I love the Phoenix idea! I think you should at least give it a shot and see where it takes you, especially if the idea keeps nagging at you.
I like the phoenix idea as well, apart from X-men have never seen it touched on. Have you got an outline for your story yet? Would be interesting to see what you are planning...
Whichever one YOU prefer to write! Don't ask other to take the wheel. It's your story, you're driving.
I'd like to elaborate on this question a bit: Holo, which of these do you feel best matches your style as a writer? If we ignore the technical aspects for a moment - originality and which is easier to write and what have you - then which do you feel is the closest to the type of story you are best at/most enjoy writing? Which best allows you to explore your favorite themes and narrative devices? Which of these two resounds with you the most? For most writers, ideas are fairly easy to come by. The trick, I find, is to recognize and focus on the ideas that suit your style. To say: "Though my other ideas had their merits, this one appeals the most to me emotionally and will make the most out of my strenghts as a writer."