'wake up and smell the coffee ' or 'wake up and smell the roses' 1) I am trying to figure out which came first. and 2) if there are two of the same, does that mean I can make up a third one like this: wake up and smell the hot chocolate( for those who do not drink coffee for example)
Smell the coffee means pay attention to or accept a situation, like say if someone is insisting their business is fine when it's actually losing a lot of money, a friend might tell them to "smell the coffee". Smelling the roses means to take the time to appreciate the small pleasurable parts of your life. You could say smell the hot chocolate, but you'd have to get the context right to make your meaning clear.
Hey Pretty thank you this is great! hence the caffeine, that should sharpen one's senses and get us to focus better..haha. This has surprised me. I thought they were both the same. Although I have tried many times to smell roses when given them but they don't seem to have any aroma/smell..maybe because they are not natural or massproduced..who knows.
"Wake up and smell the coffee" basically means quit fooling yourself and see the reality of whatever situation. The other is "Stop and smell the roses" - which means don't get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of living you miss the joys of living.