Which one do you Prefer? Here is a list of 2 different stories I have in my head. 1) Revolves around ongoing war inbetween 4 races, that has gone on for over 3000 years. One young man named Aeodus challenges and faces death to discover the cause of this relentless bloodshed. He discovers many different things about himself(that he is immortal, and that the most of his memories were erased and replaced), the world, and the ancient elements that control the world until he goes into a climactic battle with his twin brother, Aeoden, who started the conflict a long time ago. 2)Revolves around a young man who finds a ring which gifts him the power to change into a dragon at will, giving him powers beyond imagining. A war is going on at the moment, and who ever he sides with will change the face of the world. For, when the dragons numbers were thin, they created a prophecy that one would either save them, or destroy them, causing the world to split asunder, for the dragons were the keepers of life. In the end, he can change some specific body parts and still remain semi-human, but must ward of others in his attempt to save the world. So...which one?
One, no story is better except as to how it is written. Two, the question should be :'which one do you prefer?' or 'which one is better in your opinion?'. Three, I vvoted anyway, but take it as an opinion as to which plot seems stronger, not which plot seems better.
I voted for neither. Just write both, you don't need anyone's permission, you'll find which one you like better by yourself.
I have to agree. Unless you've got an original twist up your sleeve, these are both conglomerations of elements you can find on the fantasy bookshelf of any given library, both in the adult and children's sections.
I pick one. Even though both of them seem stolen from some other idea. One seems just a little more of your creation.
I don't pick both because I think that the first one could develope into a better, more original story than the second one. But then again, any plot, no matter how stupid it sounds at first, could possibly turn into a good story if enough thought is put into it.