I have always really liked philosophy and I'm curious as to which philosophers all of you like. My personal favorites are Socrates, Nietzsche, Confucius, and Voltaire.
When it comes to classics, Socrates and Confucius are my favorites. I consider Henry Rollins to be a modern philosopher.
You know it is impossible to choose really. They are all so inspiring in many different ways. They each have their own way of looking at different things. I can't say I have a favourite, because I don't.
I don't care much for classic philosophy. My favorite philosopher is Fyodor Dostoevsky. I also enjoy Ayn Rand, And Vladmir Nabakov. I'm not really sure how I like an Objectivist AND an Actualist. Those two share some ideals. Oh, And Voltaire, of course. And I consider Shakespeare a bit of a philosopher, and a pretty good one. He was quite inept when it came to the "human condition" at least. Pretty much any philosopher from Ancient Greece. I really dig their philosophy on man and his role as a hero [And yet Ayn Rand hated it. Strange.] I actually teach a Philosophical Literature to Freshmen over the summer. I have to administer a test on Poe's Short Stories today. Oh, Edgar Allen Poe was a pretty beasty philosopher. Notice how I really don't like philosophers who just thought. I prefer authors who tie their philosophy into their works.
Socrates & René Descartes love love love them. Also a friend of my brother hes not a known philosopher but at the end of this year he will technically be a philosopher, the ideas he comes up with are v.interesting
i don't do favorites in anything, really... as for philosophy, since i am a full time philosopher, it's only the 'message' that's important to me, not the messenger...
Gotta go with Kant. The man relates logic and morality, and it makes sense for the most part. Also, I agree with Marx for the most part. I disagree with him about religion, but I appreciate the hope he sees in people.
There is no "one or the other" in philosophy. Many have contributed in varying degrees to the picture of humanity we now embrace. They build upon one another's ideas, giants standing on the shoulders of other giants to touch the sky.