I suppose I am. Although really, I come here to take a break in between. Also, I'm hoping to learn new things, but lately the threads seem to be all the same, so I'm just hovering, really.
Yeah, I've kind of noticed that, too. Well, I'm procrastinating because I finished my goal of listing all the changes I need to input into the book, but I just need to sit down and make them. Gah! I guess I'll go try...
Sometimes. Sometimes not. This morning, I don't have enough time either way. Have to leave for work in a few minutes. Killing a little time and brainstorming an idea...
Yes and no. I'm partly on here to avoid writing my dissertation. Partly because I'm a moderator and am keeping watch.
I don't feel like writing right now. Thing is, I'm here because I'm procrastinating about doing the next quest in an MMO.
yeah im procrastinating I have no inspiration, and waching a movie. Pretty big distraction, but when its finished ill start writing immediatley *yeah right*
I just woke up, so I'm not procrastinating so much as I am looking for a caffeine IV drip. My coffee maker is broke But, I hit my goal of 500 words a day everyday last week A small goal, but it's one I can hit ha ha.
I can't separate when I'm procrastinating from when I'm just plain not working on it. Right now I have it open on my laptop, so I guess I'm procrastinating. Funny word, procrastinating. I wonder where it comes from. I shall look it up, in depth.
I'm here right now because I'm too tired and tipsy to sir and write a coherent, serious scene. Although, when I'm on here I usually am procrastinating. Just not now.
I'm definitely procrastinating this evening, haven't even opened up my word processing program. I'll do it now. I'm still thinking of a good name for a character I need to introduce at the beginning of my next chapter. That's why I'm procrastinating.
Procrastinating is part of my daily routine. I'm procrastinating not only writing, but a much of other stuff I should be doing. I've got homework, classes, exercise, and college stuff I all have to do, and I don't feel like doing a single one. Oh well. It's not like the United States is going to fall into anarchy if I put off my government homework for a while.
When first reading this topic I thought "nah, I'm not doing that" but when I get to think about it maybe that is just what I do, procrastinating. I didn't think of it as such though, I thought "well maybe if I go to the forum and read some topics on writing I will get inspiration back" and instead i'm just postponing the actual writing... Gaah Better get down to business now, see ya!
I leave this place on while I'm in my cubicle, but I never come on during the evenings or weekends when I should be with family/friends or writing. I am, however, procrastinating at work.
Not procrastinating, as it implies putting of something I need to be doing, and if I weren't on these forums I still wouldn't be writing. On the forums to fill the absence of writing is perhaps more accurate. Not writing because I don't have the drive, right now, and have a lot of other crap I'm having to finish and work out. Now, I'm definitely on the forums procrastinating from other stuff.
I dunno... I've already written quite a lot today. About 4000 words. Been sitting out in the sun with my lap top, and now have a really weird tan line on my thighs. I'm probably procrastinating sleeping right now...
Guilty as charged. I'm also a task avoid-er. Now I feel guilty and I have a one act play to finish by the end of this week, and I'm off on Thursday to London for a week. So bye-bye everyone!
not i... i only check the three writing sites i currently belong to, first thing in the morning, to see where i can be of any help... i go through the new posts in the sections i deal with regularly, post here and there and then get off... takes me on average about a couple of hours... so i don't just 'hang out' here, as some may do...