Hi all, Am new to the site and wanted to join, as I love the use of the English language and how eloquent and fun it can be - Russell Brand makes me smile, just to listen to him and the way he has with words. Hope to learn lots more about writing, during my time here .... Just wanted to know who is YOUR writing inspiration ? Richard
Hmm, I don't really have a writing inspiration, I just write to be inspired. I seem to be more into my writing when I spend time on this forums. I suppose the talking about writing creates the mood for me. Welcome to the forums.
Thank you ... Well, there certainly seems a lot of inspirational and creative people on here, so I'm looking forward to mingling
Hmmm. Different kinds of inspiration come from different sources. Here's a sample (and, as I am doing this from memory, any misquotes are unintentional). "Yes! (answering the question, "Is anything sacred to you?") The power of the individual human mind! An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral. And in a child's ability to master the multiplication tables, there is more sanctity than in all your shouted hosannas and holy-holies!" - Henry Drummond in Inherit the Wind (Lawrence and Lee) "DeGaulle? Who is deGaulle? He looks puffed up to me. I don't like him. Ah, but what deGaulle stands for? What decent man could believe otherwise?" - Emile DeBeque in Tales of the South Pacific (James A. Michener) "When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises" - The Alchemist (Paolo Coelho) "There is no more compelling sentence in the English Language than 'Tell me your story'." - How Life Imitates the World Series (Thomas Boswell) "It is not and never was the contention of the defense that Captain Queeg is a coward. The defense's case is built on the assumption that no man who rises to a command in the navy could ever be a coward, and so if he acts in such a way, the explanation must lie elsewhere." - Barney Greenwald in The Caine Mutiny Court Martial (Herman Wouk) "He (the writer of short, humorous pieces) lives in constant terror that, upon coming to a street corner, he will run into himself coming the other way." - Preface to a Life (James Thurber)
Lots and lots and LOTS of musicians inspire my writings. Moreso than authors, even. I love listening to instrumental music from the likes of contemporary artists such as Flying Lotus, Clams Casino, Hudson Mowhawke, etc, among other things. Music just inspires me to write, and I get so many amazing ideas that flood into my head when I have my headphones on. -J.A.K. O.U.T.
Joseph Conrad. I would rather read him describe a sunrise than see it myself, I would sooner pour over his depiction of an emotion than experience it myself. He is a master wordsmith. Usually, to get inspired about writing I just read some of his works.
The hope within me that a better life is around the corner - assuming the life I have now is not so great. I also use music that I hear, movies I see. Various different inputs from the world we live in. They all fuel my flame. I use writing as a form of therapy, and I enjoy it very much. In short, I inspire myself, and everyone inspires me.
I'm inspired by a great many things, but my writing inspiration comes from Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling, James Joyce, Anthony Burgess, Robinson Jeffers, and anyone else who used language properly, expressively, and beautifully.
I'm inspired by everything I think, though my favorite writers are the most conscious inspirations for me to keep writing. H.P. Lovecraft made me think I could write, and gave me the tools to make my first, shaky starts. My favorite writers, those who continue to inspire me, include: Seamus Heaney, James Joyce, Dante Alighieri, Thomas Pynchon, Daniel Defoe, Virgil, Homer, Sophocles, George Orwell and Haruki Murakami. Philosophy is also a really big part of why I continue to write, and my favorite philosophers are Aristotle, Nietzsche, Sartre, Bertrand Russell and John Locke.
A lot of different things inspire me for example i recently wrote a story that was inspired by an experince that one of my personal heroes went through during there life. of course i took their life experience and changed it around so that it would not commit the horrible writing sin of plagiarism. I was all inspired to write my first novel by a visit to the Vietnam War memorial wall.
The things and people that inspires me changes all the time. I think it’s important to not get locked and just have one source of influence/inspiration but one person that was a huge inspiration to me was JK Rowling, but she is hardly the only one that has inspired me.