1. Jeni

    Jeni Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Who wants to laugh?

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Jeni, Mar 23, 2016.

    Soooo.....who wants to laugh and then cry out of relief with me? I was working on some trivial corrections in my novel, which is over half done, when my computer decided to go nuts. I was in the middle of deleting a word that I had decided to cut and the delete button stuck. I tried the mouse.......stuck. I tried escape.....nope. I watched, unable to do anything for seconds, while precious words just sucked up into that cursor spot. I was yelling No....No No....Noooooo....F**** No No No. In my mind, I was already having to retype everything that was being deleted even though I press save religiously. I pressed the power button on the computer and the screen came up saying that I had three programs running and that I should shut them down but the mouse would not respond. I was still in a panic wondering what this would mean for my work. I have a hard copy but I would be sick to have to retype it all. I held that dam power button down until it had no choice but to turn off. I took several "calming" breaths with curses still flying in my mind but at least I wasn't yelling them aloud any longer. I turned the dang thing back on and pulled up my work. Thank god it wasn't deleted and I had only lost a few of my corrections. I swear I laughed in relief for five full minutes. Has anyone else ever had this happen? A full on meltdown because of a computer hiccup?
  2. Wayjor Frippery

    Wayjor Frippery Contributor Contributor

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Tranquility Base
    Yes, I have. It was around two in the morning, and I was putting the finishing touches to a statistics project that I was doing for school and had been working on since about four o'clock that afternoon. This was a very long time ago, back in the days of Amiga computers (anyone remember them?) and dot-matrix printers. The Amiga computer had a 'power brick' - a bloody great lump of plastic that was the mains transformer. On the power brick was the on switch for the computer.

    My dad came into my bedroom to ask me how I was getting on. I span round in my chair and kicked the on switch. I hadn't saved anything. At all. Ever. The concept of autosave was unknown to me.

    I lost everything.

    I still have nightmares.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
    Cave Troll, Witchymama and Jeni like this.
  3. Oscar Leigh

    Oscar Leigh Inexplicable lunch fiend Contributor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Sydney, Australia
    I freak about computers all the time. I don't understand them.
    Witchymama and Jeni like this.
  4. Jeni

    Jeni Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Oh my god! I would've been so sick.
  5. Jeni

    Jeni Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Same here! I have to get my daughter to show me how to do some things. She rolls her eyes at me and laughs about "how can you not know this, you went to college!" Yea well!
    Witchymama likes this.
  6. Wayjor Frippery

    Wayjor Frippery Contributor Contributor

    Feb 24, 2016
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    I almost was. I remember the cold emptiness as I stared down at what I'd done. That moment seemed to last forever. The project was due the next day. I cried and raged and cried some more. In the end, I had to get my parents to write a letter to my maths teacher explaining what had happened and pleading for an extension.

    I was lucky. The teacher - Mr Buck was his name (I'll never forget!) - and I got on pretty well, and he gave me the extension. So the story had a happy ending. But bugger-me-sideways, I'll never forget the terrible silence after the computer shut down and the screen went black.
    Witchymama likes this.
  7. Jeni

    Jeni Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I was homeschooling my daughter a few years ago. It was a public homeschool done completely on computers at home. She had also worked for about 4 hours on some pretty grueling math work. When it was time to submit, she asked me to review it which I happily did but when I hit the button to submit somehow I hit the wrong button and everything was gone! Gone! I swear I could not find where it had went. I called tech support and they said that they couldn't pull it up. She had to re-do four hours of math. She did not speak to me for two days and even then it was yes mam no mam and that was it. Needless to say, she never let me near the submit button again!
  8. Wayjor Frippery

    Wayjor Frippery Contributor Contributor

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Wow. You were lucky she only blanked you for two days! My kids are far too young - one of them is still inside mum - for me to have ruined their lives like this yet. But I am looking forward to it as they grow up. :bigwink:
    Jeni likes this.

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