i'm a subscriber and thus supposedly enabled to enjoy ad-free site access... but i've been seeing largish ads in the righthand window area lately... and one of today's is for dorrance, a subsidy and vanity publisher that i'm not happy to have touting its spurious 'publishing' services here... how come?
Fine for you. But some of us who were promised no external ads as a benefit of Supporter subscription DO care. Therefore, your comment is not particularly helpful. It as much as says. "You shouldn't complain, because *I* don't care about it."
We do get that none of this is helping, does a mod or someone know how to fix this? @Wreybies? I have the exact same thing.
No, this is outside the scope of mods. Even were I to have the coding skill necessary to effect a change in this platform - which I do not - I do not have the access needed to effect said change.
Daniel, then? Personally, I don't really mind, it's only one ad, and I didn't pay for it anyway, ahaha. But is there a way that Daniel can fix Maia's?
I know enough that any fix would affect all members of a particular user group. A lot of the way the forum platform functions is based on user groups. Daniel is trying to fix this issue. It gets sticky when a member belongs to more than one user group. The question becomes how to effect a change to one of the member's user groups that doesn't affect the other user groups, how to include and exclude. Remember that the Xenforo™ platform is new for him too.
it's only a minor annoyance, so if nothing can be done, i'll just go on ignoring them... only brought it up in case it bothered other supporters as well and could be dealt with...
Really sorry about the ads guys. It was a problem with our adversing software - it wouldn't let me hide ads properly. I've upgraded though, and you shouldn't be seeing them any more. @mammamaia can you confirm you're not seeing ads? If you are, in what ad locations?