Excuse me, but I posted up a thread yesterday called The Jazz Thread on this same sub-forum but it seems to have somehow `disappeared`? This has happend before with a thread in General Writing as well. That mysteriously disappeared as well. I remember another member called Lemex posted on the same `The Jazz Thread`, which means it couldn't have been taken off the system for having no replies. I don't appreciate this and I'd prefer it if I was actually PM'd so that I would know what had happened to it. A thread on a forum does not just disappeard out of thin bytes.
Did you check the music thread? EDIT: Yep, it's in the music thread. Cog probably moved it there because we already have a thread for music.
This is done out of housekeeping. Threads like these are usually annexed to threads of the same topic already in existence. Sometimes they are moved to another area of the forum that is more appropriate to the topic (just as this thread is going to be moved to the Suggestions & Feedback area) The size of writingforums.org requires this kind of maintenance. We have a huge member base and the frequency of new posts is high. Without some order being kept, things would get out of control with a quickness.
In your profile, there is a tab labeled Statistics. You can see all your posts and threads, unless they have actually been deleted.
Replies appreciated. And now I know. (Suggestion: Might want to make it a custom to inform a member if they've made a whole new thread where their thread has been placed so as to avoid all this in the future.)
The easiest way to avoid all of this in the future is to simply make use of the search function provided by the forum.
Sure, if I had the time, I'd be glad to spend it explaining every single action I take. But instead, I expect most members to be able to connect the dots.