Why is that bad movies like Saw and Hill's Have Eyes people like them? But for actually good movies like 300, V for Vendetta ,and Chronicles of Riddcik were good and people hated them? Why are people so attracted to cliches and lame movies?
Hmm, V For Vendetta was wildly popular with everyone I know. I haven't heard anyone really say anything bad about that movie. It seems to me that movies are going in a good direction. Over the last couple of years, they've put out some of the best movies I've ever seen: No Country For Old Men, There Will Be Blood, The Departed and a few others I can't think of right now. Sure, the majority of stuff coming out might be cookie-cutter, but gems like those make it all worth it.
Because they beg to differ. Whilst you conceive these movies to be rubbish, others can very plausibly deem them entertaining. But I think deep down, you already knew that.
True. But then again I have another answer because people are narrow minded and idiots. Our President relfects that we are idiots.
The first Saw was spectacular. Insane plot twists and riviting supense all the way through. 2 was ok, but after three its more or less more blood and gore horror we get all the time. Hills Have Eyes sucks in every sense I agree. 300 was pretty good, but once you've seen it once, there isn't much to go back for. I will say the addition of the Queen's subplot was a welcome deviation from the original comic. I give it a B+ overall. You see it once and never feel like going back. V for Vendetta was pretty well recieved as far as I can tell. Everyone I've talked to liked it. Its sort of pointless though, because its a British plot line modified for American problems and lacked the most crucial parts of its source material that broguht the film down to a simple good vs bad movie. B+. You can watch it over and over, but its not really an A movie. Chronicle I agree 100%. Good film, if a little weak in terms of its presentation and character developement. Pitch Black was much better but Chronicles was an awesome expansion on the Riddick franchise. C+. It was fun and new, but in the long run its just not the best it could have been. It still didn't get the recognition it deserved though. Its one fo the biggest Box Office bombs in history. People probably like Cliche films because there are certain things that people can watch over and over and still enjoy. They probably also go because its a I've seen it before and it was ok, I guess I'll see it again and enjoy myself a little. We only get maybe three or four truely awesome films a year, maybe five if we're lucky. That makes every other film out there just a money maker film that is sort of the usual and is being released on low budget knowing lots of people will see it or a failure in something new. Film makers can only take so many gambles a year. They need a steady source of revenue that is supplied by standard movie that are made cheap and make modest income to fund the big projects.
And this is what I am talking about. Everyone says that. It was not suspenful. It may have twist , but that doesn't make a good movie just look at M. Nights movies all of them except The Sixth Sense sucked. I watched Saw got bored even after they had put the twist in it. I just found it funny and a piece of crap. I knew what was going to happen even before I finished the movie.
I think Chronicles of Riddick is probably one of the 100 worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life, where as I enjoyed The Hills Have Eyes and Signs. People like different movies, just like they like different books, music, paintings and other forms of media.
I wouldn't put Chronicles in the top 100 worst films... those slots are reserved for all the original movies produced by the Sci-Fi Channel. Oh god those movies are horrible XD. Who didn't enjoy Signs? That movie was great! THe scene where Gibson takes all the food for himself and everyone breaks down is so funny, yet sad at the same time. The ending was pretty good too. Brought a whole bunch of seemingly meaningless quirks and problems together into a spectacular and unexpected conclusion. Loved it. M. Night's movies in general aren't good in my opinion. The Village had a twist, but it was a twist in the wrong direction by far. Never seen the Sixth Sense so no comment. I guess I don't see hwo someone can't like the first Saw. Difference of opinion me supposes.
With all respect, doesn't that answer define narrow-mindedness? An inability to see the value in a point of view that differs from your own? I don't say that to insult you, but instead to challenge you to broaden your perceptions.
I can definitely agree that Sci-Fi Pictures Originals are definitely worse than most other things I've seen, but at least those are funny. If I want a good laugh, I can sit down and tune into Raptor Island or something, and I can count on the fact that the next two hours will be a whimsical display of mediocre film making. To me, Riddick is just a terrible actor fighting people and winning most of the time, with some nifty special effects.
Some of Sci-Fi's older originals were ok. But for the last five years or so, they gone from the standard D- movie and become something film makers movie goers everywhere should be horrified by. The oddest part is that they keep using the same ideas too. They have like, five saber tooth tiger movies, a dozen giant snake movies, half a dozen indian curse movies, and hoards of generic sub-par monster movies. You'd think taht in all thsoe, they'd make something good...
You've really hit rock bottom as an actor if you're in one of those movies. Have you ever seen anything by Uwe Boll? He's on par with Sci-Fi Pictures when it comes to quality.
What about Masters of Horror? Those films are bad... I mean... BAD! If they are the Masters or Horror. All future Horror writers have it easy. However, I guess we all have diffrent tastes. In the 18th centery, there was things called 'Penny Dreadfulls'. Short novels, written so poorly, with a simple, pleasing story and Deus Ex Machina endings that appealed to the poorly educated masses of the time. I suppose, some films are now in there place.
One person's lame and cliched movie is another person's genre classic. I like tons of movies that are/were unpopular/bad box office. The world would be boring if we all liked the same thing.
Does it seem that our society is starting to be numb to most new horror movies? I haven't seen a movie that has startled me in a very long time. It might be very bold to say that horror movies are losing their potency, but the genre is bound to run out eventually. People dying and monsters killing humans has been done so many times already. If horror isn't to die out, what is the next step in entertaining the people who enjoy it?
I know I wish I could take responsibility, but the links in the images will take you to the owner's site.
Maddox is right that the movie is full of things that are hard to believe, but I still enjoyed it. I especially like the feel that the movie had.
Wow Banzai, that's exactly how I felt about the movie. It was so poorly conceived and the aliens were the biggest pussies in science fiction to date. I seriously just sat there for 5 minutes after the credits wondering why this film was so hyped. It was a sad momment in my life. haha