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  1. Mans

    Mans Contributor Contributor

    Sep 29, 2012
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    why my post was deleted in the lounge

    Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by Mans, Jul 24, 2017.

    I sometimes translate some Persian articles, poems and information to English. This helps me to do that as a practice and develop my English that is not complete yet.

    Yesterday, I translated some poems of Imam Khomeini to English and last night I sent it to the lounge section of writing forums. My post was in case of a news or information so that readers know, Imam Khomeini was a great theological writer and artful mystical poet beside his leadership aspect. I sent the post under title of "Mystic poems of Imam Khomeini."

    After all my labors in translating the hard poems I noticed the post was deleted, and today I received this message:
    Your post in the thread Mystical poems of Imam Khomeini was deleted. Reason: This violates fair-use laws. We can republish the works of others.

    What is this limitation in lounge that is a free place for posting any news or information? I personally just sent two of the poems as an introduction rather than publishing the poem of other characters.

    So how I can introduce hundreds of the famous Iranian writers and poets in a writing website and how I can show, who they were, what they have written, and how the styles of their writing were?

    I believe, the post that I sent was not included violates fair-use laws, but it was in case of a news or information that I posted in the lounge.


  2. Wreybies

    Wreybies Thrice Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 1, 2008
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    El Tembloroso Caribe
    The message I sent was that "we cannot republish" the work of others.

    We don't allow this for any published writer, regardless of the writer's provenance, unless the writer's work has fallen into public domain, which typically takes a rather long time to happen, and sometimes not even then because trusts and foundations are created that hold the rights to the author's work long after the author has passed away. The book in question is from 2013. And even when the work is solidly public domain, we are reluctant to republish large (or entire) parts of it here because, unfortunately, people have a tendency not to understand what's okay from what's not okay, so better to just not do it at all and save me the headache of having to micromanage a matter like this. Republishing the work of authors when that work is not public domain is a violation of fair-use laws. This isn't about our forum rules. It's about legal matters.

    To answer answer your question:

    "So how I can introduce hundreds of the famous Iranian writers and poets in a writing website and how I can show, who they were, what they have written, and how the styles of their writing were?"

    You are at liberty to speak about the authors, to speak about the impact of their work, how you feel about their work, your critique and engagement of that work, just as we do with all the other writers about whom we speak on a constant basis in this and every other writing forum. But you may not simply republish it here for others to read. It is my job to guard the forum against concerns of a juridical nature. It is your job to read up on fair use and what it means. If you have posted threads in the past similar to the one that I deleted, which did not get deleted in the past, this is simply because I have the basic human need of sleep and cannot be in all places at all times. The fact that a thread was missed in the past does not grant license ad infinitum.
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