My bloody wisdom teeth are coming through and it’s annoying. Every time I chew something a piece gets lodged into the scattered precipices created by my molars making their way out of my gums. I always have to spend a good half a minute trying to pick the piece of food out before I continue eating- it’s becoming a laborious process. My Mum’s all like, ‘pft, just deal with it’ and doesn’t seem to be taking my desire for molar-removal into stride. Bloody hope that my incoming molars don’t disrupt the position of my teeth which took 4 years of braces to achieve.
Lol. Poor thing. I don't htink I have my wisdom teeth yet... The dentist wanted me to have braces when I was younger, I wish I did have them because I hate my teeth because I have a gap in them but truth be told, I havn't been to the dentist in over ten years.... yeah, yeah, I know, a bad thing, but i'm terrified at what they will say about my teeth! I hope it all gets better for you!
I think one of my wisdom teeth has just started to come through. It's not even an annoyance, really. I suppose it might be later, though.
In the 'last post in thread' column of the forum I saw te last pst was by Snap... "Wisdom teeth, Snap"... It made my stomach twist. D= My dad had some teeth out and when he came to after his chest hurt so much that he thought they'd been kneeling on his chest to wrench the teeth from his jaw. >.<
the gross thing is, is that when you get put out they can wrench as hard and as much as they like because you can't feel it. Plus they put a tube down your throat making it raw as hell. Not to mention your face swells up and goes discoulored from bruising....then there is the medication they give you that made me throw up, and irritate my jaw even more making the joints swell and not be able to open my mouth very wide. hmmm why did I ever get them removed in the first place?. Lol still though I think it is better to get them removed so the life long irritation goes away good luck
I was once thrown out of a dentist's as a child when I, purely through involuntary muscular reflex, bit his finger really hard!