1. Lost_in_Thought

    Lost_in_Thought New Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I use to live in a Igloo, but it melted :)

    Wisdom Teeth

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Lost_in_Thought, Dec 16, 2011.

    Yesterday I just got my wisdom teeth yank. Unlike my older brother who had his taken out a few years a go, I could remember the drive home and I didn't faint when I went down stairs for something to eat. The only thing that bothering me is the pain and the drowsiness from the pain killers. Did anything strange or weird happen to you when you got your wisdom teeth taken out?
  2. minstrel

    minstrel Leader of the Insquirrelgency Supporter Contributor

    Jul 11, 2010
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    Near Sedro Woolley, Washington
    I had mine out about three years ago. I was told that I would have to have a friend or family member drive me back from the procedure because I'd be put under a general anesthetic, and it wouldn't be safe for me to drive myself. I was a bit woozy after my friend got me home and I did have to take Vicodin for a few days afterwards. The Vicodin did lessen the pain, but I didn't really feel any other effects from it.
  3. VM80

    VM80 Contributor Contributor

    Nov 16, 2010
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    I didn't want to be put under general anesthetic.

    They took out two of them and I felt relatively ok after. Walked quite a bit to the nearest bus stop to get back home. I got some antibiotics and they advised salt water rinsing. Nothing too exciting else happened.

    Fainting was at times a speciality when suffering from fever. Amusing stuff there, like hitting my head on the bath tub and being rushed to hospital.
  4. Snoopingaround

    Snoopingaround Banned

    Jul 22, 2011
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    I have a question for all the forumers. How many teeth do you guys have? Because I have read that adults are supposed to have 32 teeth. But I have 28. Does anyone else here have 28 teeth, who is an adult with all their adult teeth? As far as I know, I lost all of my baby teeth more than a decade ago. I think I lost my last one when I was like 11. But the literature repeatedly states that 32 teeth is the number adults are supposed to have. So what is up with this, am I some kind of dental freak or something here?
  5. Knight's Move

    Knight's Move New Member

    May 9, 2011
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    I had all four wisdom teeth out (two at a time) under local anaesthetic. The stitches came loose on the second set and the surrounding tissue bled out and died. The dead tissue came out after a week or so, and now I have a hole in my gum that is slowly closing, but it is annoying because food sometimes gets stuck.
  6. Snoopingaround

    Snoopingaround Banned

    Jul 22, 2011
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    ^How is the level of medical care and dentist quality over there in Thailand? Are you having alot of fun and enjoying yourself over there guy? Why did you move, and how do you like it? Oh, and how are you living/making ends meet to pay for your fun activities?
  7. Flanders

    Flanders New Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Ottawa, Canada

    I had mine taken out last year. My jaw was numb for a whole week afterwards (All the Novocaine shots) I was given a prescription for painkillers but I never took them as the pain wasn't severe.
  8. Fatmatt

    Fatmatt Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    Portsmouth, UK.
    I had two of my wisdom teeth out because they were rotten.

    On the first occasion I was in agony and have never been happier to visit a dentist in my entire life. I was so relieved to be under the local anaesthetic that it didn't bother me when one of the teeth snapped as he was trying to extract it and my mouth filled with blood. He ended up having to dig the rest of it out with all kinds of weird and wonderful tools.

    I've broken my leg, drilled a hole in my finger and all manner of things, but the pain that rotten wisdom tooth caused me is the worst I've ever known.

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