The Ferret, who really hasn't been active lately, may have a chance of spending, cout 'em, Eight weeks working/attending a leadership program at a boyscout camp this summer. One week silveraxe (Leadership training), one week staff orientation, six weeks consoling the scouts. I'll be the first chaplin's aide the camp has had in years. Just thought I'd share that
Oh cool, I'm a scout myself. I've been to tons of camps all over the country. Where is it you'll be staffed at? (maybe I'll be there)
I was a boy scout once. I guess the whole outdoors thing never sat wiht my personality too well cause I got bored really fast. Good luck though !
I don't know, they just are. I found myself wishing I could be doing other things, and then I decided that I didn't want to wish anymore.
Ferret, Great news! You'll enjoy and learn from the experience, as will the scouts who attend the camp! I'm an Eagle Scout...earned way back in the early ', that long ago...and fondly remember my outdoors and camping experiences. You'll have many good stories to tell from the experience. Terry
Excellent news, Ferret! I was a scout growing up, but because we moved so often, I had to change troops a couple times, then had to give it up when there were none available.
I'll be in Raymond. Anyhow, I'm rather amazed that there are so many people here who were involved with scouting. Cool.
There is a replanted forest as you come into Marathon and the sign says that it is one of worlds largest forests planted by scouts. Back when this was done the town had maybe 1000 people living here. I was in girl guides and rangers until I was 14. had a lot of fun but never made it to any of the jamborees. I am sure you will have a great experience in the summer. Glad you have the opportunity.
Oh cool, being an Arizonan, I've been to Raymond several times and might be going again this summer. I figured it had to be an Arizona camp because you mentioned Silver Axe and that's a program that I'm pretty sure only Arizona has. Well, have you been to Camp Geronimo as well. It would be a nicer camp if it wasn't so crowded.
I'm a Boy Scout too, and meeting counselors from camp isn't a new experience- one of our Algebra 1 substitute teachers goes by the name of Gator in the summer- but being up in the midwest, I fear I won't be able to meet you. (I do want to go to Philmont when I'm old enough, though, so that'll get me out of my time zone.) I've never been a one-with-nature, golly-let's-tie-some-knots kind of feller, but I feel that Boy Scouts has really helped me out maturity-wise and reminded me there's a reason to go out and do things. (If it weren't for Boy Scouts, I wouldn't have the satisfaction of knowing I can bike 50 miles in a few hours. Not that that will ever matter in life, but I enjoy knowing it.)
It's great to know that Scouting helped someone else either! I know I wouldn't have done alot of things either without being in scouts. I'm going to Philmont this summer though, and it'll be fun (even though I've already been once)