Do you have a blog on which you use word metre, and if so, where did you find the word metre? I do. I've been using the Zokutou word metre but for some reason it's not working (I put in the word count and everything but when I press enter it just goes to the same page and deletes the word count (If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong it would be greatly appreciated))
That's an example of what a word metre looks like. It's the one I've had to use ever since the really good one stopped working. I don't like it.
So why do you use them instead of a word count. Is there like a limit on some of the things you need to write or something?
No I use them to track my progress on a blog. It sort of gives me a little push along, an also shows my friends how I'm going with a book.
Ow okii dokii. I have never seen them before so unfortunatly couldn't help you with it, but thanks for explaining
This has been discussed in this thread in the Suggestions forum. We don't support any such gadgets, and for reasons discussed in the thread there is currently no plan to add them.