Those interested in politics or wanting to know possibly where they fall in the spectrum, give this quiz a shot. (I posted this after reading the Super Tuesday thread) Ten questions (multiple choice)--five on economic issues, five on personal issues. I know it's not indepth and one has to consider which questions were selected, but I think it's interesteing and a place to start. Might surprise a few folks as to where they actually stand. Quiz: World's Smallest Political Quiz I came out Libertarian, right next to conservative. Terry
It says I'm a centrist, leaning towards satist. I disagree, but I know my political views are all over the shop. I generally consider myself to be left wing, though.
I'm a LIBERTARIANS apparently, although I did not understand half the questions In real I am actually conservative
I'm a centrist whihc is what I think I am. I lean a little towards the Conservative and Libertarian areas.
i disagree with the imposed spectrum of left and right. It seems old fashioned to me. I came out liberal, which maybe true on some issues. There should be no laws regarding sex for consenting adults - what does that mean? why do consenting adults need laws?
Being 'old fashioned' doesn't make it proper or improper, or imposed. It's not an imposed spectrum, it is wording used to categorize individuals with a generally similar outlook or view on politics and policy beliefs. One could argue, for example, being a social liberal and a fiscal conservative...but in this little quiz that would move one toward the center. And it is not only liberal (left) or conservative (right) that are the options...there is centrist (one might rename moderate, just as liberals in the USA prefer the term progressive), but there is also statist and libertarian. Terry
Wow, I got Centrist leaning towards Libertarian as well. Though I'm totally Libertarian, this quiz seems to vague to really tell what side of the spectrum you are. Still, I think it'd be nice if somebody wouldn't just stand on one side but actually work towards the same thing. But, such wishes are made by foolish young people who think they can change the world...
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Your PERSONAL issues Score is 90%. Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 30%. I'm a Liberal. [/FONT]
I'm another centrist which I agree with. I was at the top half of the box, leaning towards Libertarian which I'd also agree with.
When I said it was old fashioned i meant that political parties used to be easy to place on the left or right scale, whereas now - well in case of UK it's not so easy. It's an imposed spectrum in the sense that its how someone is usually made to define their political views, but it's too simple for politics, which ok i guess people like to pigeon hole for everything, but have rarely met someone whose views are all on the left or right. It also delegitimizes far left or right- which i guess for us further into the centre might be a good thing. I'm speaking in general, and not about that quiz.
I agree that no one is pure 'liberal' or 'conservative' on any issue. But I guess as humans, we learn from early age to categorize things, to organize and make sense of them. Watching a child develop. Learns what a dog is. Then every 4 legged critter from cat to cow, is a dog, until they develop more sophisticated criteria to determine one from the other, until they can nail it with not only a canine, but the specific breed. Maybe that's what we need in politics, to identify politicians or complex political views...but who'd want to put that much time in to creating ...and even learning, especially when such ebbs and flows. And who would use it! Certainly not the reporters and politicians themselves Terry