eat a person? honestly, would you ever eat another human being. and if so, under what circumstances would you eat them?? Heather
what if you were stranded on amountain, someone was allready dead and the only way you would survive would be by eating the dead person. not even then, for example??
i don't understand that. i thought a person's most basic instinct was for survival, yet you would rather die. i would eat them me,, the guy is allready dead, why not?
I wouldn't eat a dead 'animal' 's flesh because my religion prohibits it. Then comes the question of a human. Well, I won't eat human either so that finishes the question. A person's basic instinct isn't survival, not for me at least. There's a lot more to things.
any animals basic instinct is for surival. and would you not even eat the lamb or whatever if you were about to die??
I don't think I could do it to be honest. I mean I obviously know this person and I don't think that I would want harm to come to this person. I would want this person to pass over in peace and in one piece as well. I personally would give them a burial and if I passed on then so be it. That is the way it is meant to be. Death is not something to fear but something to embrace at the time we face it. I know that sounds a little morbid or what ever, but the simple fact is that if you are going to die then you are going to die. I will not eat another human being to prolong the inevitable.
Not whatever. There are certain limitations on 'surviving' for me, since it's not what I'm goign to act upon. The way of life for me is to control my instincts - food and s**, so that sums up why it isn't 'basic' for me. But anyhow, I just hope I don't end up like that.
i know what you mean but i would not willingly allow myself to die. if that's the case., if a guy came up to you with a gun in your face, would you just let him shoot you. no, you'de try and stop him, even if that means hurting, or killing him, in the process. what's the point in two, or more, people dieing when only one life could have been lost and then others survive?? what has that got to do with anything??
Actually, science negates you. Eating human flesh is pretty terrible for you and for generations to come, and for your relationship partner.
ye but i wasn't on about just doing it for some random reason, unless you would. i was aksing would you ever, under any circumstances, eat someone, not for movie or book quotes.
yea, but as a one off it aint gunna do much harm. and my survival is more important, even if it meant i couldn't have kids afterwards. at least i am alive. so what's the difference?? is it just because it is taboo or what?
This view depends on many aspects of your life. Religion is obviously one (where your God either condones or prohibits such actions, if you happen to have a religon at all) and morality.
Darling, better save 40 lives from painful death than save yourself. And not neccesarily it's not aobut not having kids. Someone was killing you. You put him off. Fair. You eat a dead person is not defense against the man. It's not his freaking fault.