Hello there. I came across a standstill in my story and I'm desperately searching for a way to get across it. I won't bore you with all the details of my story, so I'll just jump right in. Character A, a young and successful business woman, is pressured by Character B, the man married to one of her oldest friends, to have sex with him. Character A is desperately needing something that only Character B can provide, so she is considering to betray her friend's trust and possible ruined her marriage to get it. The problem is that I can't really come up with what "it" is. Character A is quite famous and wealthy, so she do not need any kind of financial support. She do neither care that much for her public reputation, so blackmailing her with some personal information don't seem appropriate. Character C, the wife of Character B and friend of Character A, come from a wealthy family. I haven't bothered writing any details about her family. I have some vague idea of Character C's father owning a company and have made his son-in-law (Character B) a senior partner. Then Character A needing help doing something "under the table" with the company in question and can achieve that with the help of Character B. This doesn't really fit the personality of Character A, to gain some personal profit for the cost having sex with her friend's husband. So I was thinking that Character A made some kind of illegal dealings, somehow involving Character C, that could land Character C in jail. I like the idea of Character A having to make that self sacrifice to save her friend from jail, without Character C possibly knowing it. Well, this is as far as I have gotten. The overall point is that Character A is getting pressured into sex with Character B, with the reason why being a mystery. This is just a minor part of the overall story, but it is important. As the only one that could be considered a main character is Character A, Character B and C could be considered blank pages and altered in the way they need to be. So if anyone had the patient to read through, understand my limited information and have an solution; please, tell me. I feel I can't continue this story without the details of the passage is written. I'm starting to become desperate. Would anyone kindly help a struggling amateur author?
There are plenty of websites and forums that talk about cheating in its varied forms. You could try those. A lot of times for women, its not so much about the sex as it is an affirmation of their desirability. Have the woman bypassed or rejected by someone that would have normally drooled on her and that will get her thinking.
Thank you Fitzroy for the advice, but I now realise I might have missed to explain a detail. Character A does not want to have sex. She feels it to be necessary, even with the dire consequences. Character B knows that she don't want to do it. He is basically a jerk that is only interested in having sex with as many women as possible and care little for other's feelings. I also want to add that this is not a romance. This right here is just a minor part of a larger story.
Let me get this straight (little pun there) you want B to screw A but A does not want to screw B so you need some trick to get A laid by B. Is that right?
I feel obligated to reveal a bit of the plot to make the situation more clear. B tries to pressure A into sex (because of reasons I need help figuring out), but before A makes a decision of screwing anyone, B gets murdered, and A becomes a suspect because she has a motive, which again is what I'm trying to figure out.
You say there is no need for financial support, but knowledge of fraud could be especially devastating for someone in the public eye, anything like that- something about her youth she's tried to distance herself from, a dodgy relative, something that could jeopardise her reputation. Knowledge is power!
Perhaps I didn't give the idea of blackmailing a through reflection. I really like you suggestions, Lancie, but here comes the but. I think its better suited if the potential sex would be considered an unselfish (and perhaps partly selfish) self sacrifice. It fits better with her character and the tone of the situation. ...and yes, Fitzroy! That is exactly the point!
I'm inclined to think this whole sex thing is completely unnecessary. Why exactly do you need A to be pressured into screwing B? A could easily be suspected of B's murder for a variety of reasons. It's just that you've clearly got yourself in a pickle here and it sounds like it's not even a plot-moving point, but just another thing to happen to make your character interesting. So the real question is: is this really necessary?
You have a valid point there, Mckk. I will reveal a little more of the plot to try to make some sense out of this. B is murdered because the murderer wanted to send a message. Why it was precisely B that got murdered is nothing personal. It was because of his name, personality and intentions. It kinda gets a bit complex from there. I don't really know how to summarize in a few sentences. Anyway, an important part of the murderers message is revealed in B's plan to try to get into A pants, believe it or not.