Hi everybody, I need a help from you , shall anyone tell me what are English Conjunctions and how i can use it properly?? Regards, Crimson.Butterfly=)
Conjunctions are words that connect or cojoin parts of a sentence (usually two independent clauses). The main ones in English are: and, but, or. There are others such as yet, that are not as commonly used. If you google 'conjuctions' or 'coordinating conjunctions' you can find more information on them.
googling would be faster and easier for getting such basic info, than asking here... you get instant results and more info, as terry noted... and it would help greatly, if you'd stick to black font and non-centered text when posting... welcome to the site!... you'll find instructions and site rules at the top right of the opening menu page...
I'd recommend watching the School House Rock video about conjuctions. Not that it does such a great job explaining them but it has such a catchy tune. Conjuction juction what's your fuction?