Hello fellow writers, Just curious if anyone else has their own writing blog? I find it very motivating by keeping my blog up to date with my short/flash fiction. Anyone else enjoy blogging? Dan
I started a writing blog and realized there were a thousand other writing blogs doing it better than I was. I also noticed I would go write a blog post during time that I had allotted for working on my fiction so I abandoned it. I'm still building content for a blog but it's on a separate subject and I allocate separate time for it. If you're looking for a good one I would recommend K.M. Weiland's site http://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/ She has a great book on outlining that I read through and a podcast back catalog full of good tips as well as video and text versions of her blog posts. Very good coaching info there.
I do - I use it to force myself to actually write something, even if the somethings are just 100 words long.
I started out using a blog to write entries for sites like fiction friday and 3 word wednesdays but haven't posted in it for a couple of years and for a period of time I found that I was spending more time designing the blog then writing in it. I bookmarked helping writers become authors though.
I have a site dedicated to my love for 80's teen series - but it's hard to upkeep and I've been slacking off. But occasionally I'll write a book review and link it up with some 80's nostalgia. Blogging is fun but it can be time consuming. I also have a Facebook page that links up with it and posting there can divide my time.
I don't, though I used to use my blog on here and a music blog on another forum. I've been toying with the idea of making a video-blog (vlog? Is it?) about books and reviews of books and putting it onto YouTube. Making video essays might be a lot of fun, I've just not got around to it just yet.