I've always been a big fan of writing contests. I know that many people are not- and I'll leave that up to opinion. But this question is for people who enter contests. Do you tend to use a specific theme when entering a contest- even if no theme is noted. For instance, I live in Florida and enter many state-wide competitions for local publications and organizations. Typically the things I write have themes such as beaches, tropical scenery, Floridian lifestyle, and other things that directly coorelate to this state and the people who will be judging my work. I feel it's a good way to immidiately draw in their emotions- as they can connect to the words on an intimate level (which I feel is a powerful tool to use towards readers). What do you think? Do you tend to follow a theme in contest entries?
Nver written in a competition, but if you live in Florida and write about Florida, its a big chance that your competition also live in Florida and write about Florida, maybe you will get more attention from the judges if you dont write about Florida. They must get a bunch of stories about Florida, maybe something else will make them more intrested. just my 2c
Good point, Island Writer. I have won four of the ten contests I entered in the last year, but next time I think I'll take your advice. It's a good point you bring up that other's probably also write within the inspiration of Florida.