Writing Female Characters as a Male Author

Discussion in 'Character Development' started by cybrxkhan, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. suddenly BANSHEES

    suddenly BANSHEES Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    the wasteland, baby!
    It's interesting how many times I've seen threads like this in writing forums on all sorts of websites. It's not like all women on the planet think the same way - same with men. It's mostly the society we're raised in that teaches "men should act like this, women should act like that." Even then, each person lives and functions within their society in a different way.

    When creating a character of a different gender than yourself, keep in mind what kind of society they live in, and how their personality may have worked within or clashed with that society's standards.

    Also, like Selbbin said, don't rely too much on media when "researching" how female think and behave. Women and femininity are often portrayed in a weird, idealistic way that can be far from accurate.

    Though, if you wanted to, I'd highly recommend the Game of Thrones series by George R. R. Martin. Despite taking place in a patriarchal fantasy setting, the women characters have a lot of depth to them, and kick all kinds of ass in their own way.
    1 person likes this.
  2. ketamineman

    ketamineman New Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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    ok, don't steal my idea for my book :p but--

    how about reading some first person things from a woman. like say letters or a diary. There is a book that has a collection of letters from Erzabet Bathory, which i intend on reading for a 1st person book i will be doing after a few other books.
  3. cmshepard

    cmshepard New Member

    Dec 5, 2012
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    Watertown, NY
    All I can offer is that everyone is different. As long as you follow her personality traits throughout the novel you should be fine.

    There are masculine women, ultra-feminine women, and women everywhere in between, just like with men. As long as there is consistency there shouldn't be much of a question - even if there is, you've drawn them in enough to keep reading.
  4. penandpaper

    penandpaper New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    I'm a male, and it took me a long time to work up the courage to write a female character's point of view. However I've found that the differences are not as great as I thought, although I do sometimes ask for feedback from my sisters. They way I got over the fear, I suppose, was by reading some Tim winton. He often writes pretty decent female characters that seem pretty realistic and aren't blatantly feminine, they're just people. I recommend reading a bit of Cloudstreet if you have the time, the female characters are great.

    The only other hint I have is make sure you write in flaws, I didn't for a while, and it just gets a bit too "dream girl."

    Good luck, you'll do ffine.
  5. sylvertech

    sylvertech Active Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    I noticed this problem earlier as well,
    since, well, I had felt absurd and kinky and wanted to include lesbian characters (in a past&future fantasty&scifi satirical psychological novel).

    Needless to say, they are still on hold for now.

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